Beiträge von Lijana

    Hallo, ich habe eine Hausaufgabe aufbekommen die sich um das Thema "TV has killed reading habits" handelt. Ich sollte pro und contra gegenüberstellen und habe schon einen Text verfasst und wäre sehr dankbar wenn mir jemand dabei helfen könnte Fehler zu finden und sie zu beseitigen. Vielen lieben dank schon einmal im voraus.
    When I think about the topic “TV has killed reading habits” I’m having different opinions.
    At first I think the statement is true, because TV is mostly for entertainment and entertainment plays more and more a bigger role in our everyday life.
    TV has more actually, more compacter and more important information as a newspaper.
    In ten minutes the TV shows us the daily news of the world. A newspaper have not current information, only of yesterday and we must read more than 10 minutes. When we are watching TV we can do a lot of other things at the same time. For example we can eat, press and do our homework. TV is also education for us. We can watch channels like N24, Phoenix and so on.
    The last pro argument is that children watch more and more TV instead to read. So TV plays a bigger role in our community.
    But there are also contra arguments. At first books are mostly better than a film, because with reading you can create your own world. Not such in the films that shows you a fix world. We can read everywhere and at any times. A book or a newspaper is smaller than a television so we can take a book everywhere. An other argument is that the first what we learn in school is reading. But also more and more children go gaga because they watch more and more TV. Books tell us our history because books were written thousands of years before a TV came public.