hallo Leute,
ich schreibe eine Facharbeit über das Thema AIDS und muss diese schon morgen abgeben, deswegen brauche ich dringend eure Hile. Ich habe hier einen Text, bei dem ich mir an einigen Stellen nicht soo sicher bin, ich hoffe, dass mir jemand weiterhelfen kann,
vielen vielen Dank im voraus
und hier ist der Text:
The biggest problem of the AIDS- medicines are the costs: a treatment can exact more than 8.500 € in a year. In the most cases this prize is too much for the people who live in the developing countries, except for the rich. Since the entering of new ARV- medicaments the number of the AIDS- dead persons incurred a big decrease. Nevertheless, the number of the HIV- infected persons is rising in the developing countries. A reason for this rising is the widespread opinion that HIV and AIDS are not longer a dangerous. Lots of organizations push the government to elevate the issue for the education of AIDS with the reason that education is very important, especially for young people. American doctors reported 2001 that young people are sure of a cure of AIDS, but that is not the reality. A survey of the british charity organization “Terrence Higgins Trust” offered that nearly 75% of the adolescents opined that they were not enough cleared up about the risks of unharboured sex. Today’s medicaments against HIV avoid the augmentation of the HIV and his distribution in the human organism, so that they can bring the disease in a certain way to a downtime. A HIV- infection means no longer a death sentence. A consistent therapy prolongates the life and corrects the quality of life.
To this day it is not possible to delete this virus completely and to eliminate it definitely from the body. The viruses are difficult vulnerable because they are changing their structures all the time. They can retire from the blood where they would be easy achievable into other heavy accessibly parts of the body and there they could devolve to a form of passive state. HIV and AIDS are so cureless. The persons concerned have to be combating lifelong.
Method of
treatment: At the moment are two groups of pharmaceuticals available:
-the “Reverse- Transcriptase- Inhibitor (Reverse-Transkriptase-Hemmer)”
-the “Protease hemmer”
These pharmaceuticals aggravate the new infection of cells but they cannot intend a healing because the viruses can become resistant from time to time. The most famous pharmaceutical which delays the breakout of AIDS is ATZ (Azidothymidine). It appears life prolonging but it cannot avoid the travelling Virus- affection of the cells in the body and that is why it has a bad adverse reaction.
There are two other therapies next to this therapy:
-the prohibition of the breakout from opportunistic infections and
-the reconstitution of the immune function.
These three aims of the therapies are the basis for a medically care of the HIV- infection. They are a recall to life for lots of HIV-infected persons.
The most famous American HIV-infected person, the hoopster Earvin “Magic” Johnson the virus can no longer be detected. Now he is better and million of AIDS-infected persons hope again for a life without HIV/AIDS.