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In the north-east of the USA were the most important linguistic groups of the Indians living here Algonkin and Irokesisch.
To the most important trunks count in this region the Irokesen alliance in the eastern part as well as the Chippewa around the area of the big lakes.
The Indian's trunks in the north-east lived mainly established and had maize as the most important food spring.
The concept Algonkin summarises different Indian's trunks of the Algonkin family of languages whose linguistic area applied from the Great Plains up to eastern Canada.
For example, the trunks Arapahoe, Cheyenne, Ojibway, Abnaki, Blackfoot, Chippewa, Delaware, fox terrier, Kickapoo, Ottawa and Cree belonged to the family of the Algonkin.
These Indian's trunks lived as a hunter in the valley of the Ottawa river who shows today the border between both Canadian provinces Ontario and québec.
The name "Algonkin" for this linguistic group is descended from a small Indian's trunk which were called also Algonkin and were active as farmers, hunters and fishermen.
The Algonkin were masters under construction from Wigwams whom they produced of branches and young trees and covered with mats from the bark of birches. They also produced her canoes of birch bark.
The Algonkin were fought always strongly by the Irokesen and were called by them disparagingly as "an Adirondack" what means so much like „them trees" eat.
Today the descendants of the Algonkin live in Canada.
Lg Blablablubb