Beiträge von Asrael111

    Hallo, mal bitte den folgenden Text auf Ausdruck und Grammatik prüfen. Meine Englisch Note hängt davon ab. Tausend Dank!!!!


    Article from Newsweek
    1. Say what your article is about
    2. Describe the layout
    3. Say whether you like/ don´t like the layout. Give reasons

    Inhalt des Artikels:
    Foto des Artikels:

    1. In the Newsweek from August the 29th of 2008 on page 10 is a article about special artist-hackers which are stealing pictures from security cameras and using them for their own.

    2. The headline “Watching the Watchers” is printed in bolt type, on top and in the centre. Furthermore the words are the biggest of the whole article.
    Under the headline is the opening paragraph. It starts with a huge and bolt type printed letter, a big “B”. Moreover the first sentence of the opening paragraph is writen in capital letters. The other sentences are normaly written. All words of the opening paragraph are printed in a bigger type than the column words below.
    Circa in the middle of the whole article is the eye-catcher, a kind of a chart.
    The Background of the chart is painted blue. There are three humans in the picture and walking through the top right hand of it. The two men inside the chart wearing red pullovers. There are four white cameras and it seems that they are watching the humans go by. Under the chart is a caption printed in bolt type and in the same letter size of the opening paragraph.

    3. I don´t like this article very much because the eye-catcher is not very interesting or funny. The sentences are to complecated and filled with expert language. In my opinion the whole article wants to fear the reader because it gives no examples for defending against the hackers.