Beiträge von franzbanane

    Halli Hallo:)

    wärt Ihr so lieb und würdet mein Essay bitte korrigieren? Ich brauche es zu nächster Woche. Vielen Dank im Voraus!

    My name is Franziska Jaekel and my life began on 18th of August, 1991. I was born in Greifswald and lived there until we, that’s my parents and me, moved to Grimmen and we built a house. I had a very peaceful childhood. I love my parents from the bottom of my heart and I owe them much.
    The “ Friedrich- Willhelm Wander-Schule” was me primary school. At the age of 11 I defected to the “Gymnasium Grimmen” and achieved my A levels in 2010.
    In August 2010 I went to Australia for 5 months. It was a very interesting time. Back in Germany, I started my studies at the university of Greifswald and I'm looking forward to become a teacher of history and religion.
    Back to Germany I started my studies at a university of Greifswald and want to be aimed to become the teacher of history and religion. On account of a hands-on training I changed my plan and wrote an letter of application to the “Berufsfachschule Bandelin” to train as a kindergarten teacher. So I started my education on the 1st of September, 2012.
    My most favourite hobby is riding. I went to a horse barn at every free minute till my parents granted to buy an own horse. Today I´m the owner of six horses and give riding lessons three times a week.
    My other hobbies are reading, laughing, talking and having fun. I love to spend time with my boyfriend. We have a dog and we really like to take the dog for a walk.
    I really hope my life will be that great like my past. I´m going to marry my boyfriend and have two or three kids. Also I´m going to work as a kindergarten teacher with nice kids and colleagues. Time will tell if my dreams come true but I´m confident.

    Viele Grüße Franzi