Beiträge von Luka


    - - - Aktualisiert - - -

    Brauche Hilfe zu folgenden Fragen der markierte Satzteil wird gefragt:

    -Pete is studying hard for --an HNC in electronics.--
    -You should replace your old light bulbs with --modern energy-saving lamps.--
    -The electricians lost their jobs --because they were caught stealing.--
    - --The electricians lost their jobs becaus they were caught stealing.--
    -The apprentice brought him --the wrong tools.--

    WHAT is Pete studying hard FOR? Frage nach "Wofür" - auf Englisch "What for"
    WHY did the electricians lose their jobs? - Wichtig: DID weil der Satz im Perfekt is
    WHAT did the apprentice bring him?