Ich habe hier erneut einen Text zum Korrektur lesen.Es wäre sehr nett,nochmal so kompetente Antworten zu erhalten 
Diesmal habe ich mir vorher lediglich Stichpunkte auf Englisch geschrieben, und daraufhin versucht diese auszuformulieren. Ich hoffe, dass es besser geklappt hat.
When I started in the 9th class with the optional subject "tutor", I discovered my passion for organising and leading groups. In this subject we made the entrance at our school easier to new kids by common activities. Gladly I took responsibility and I learnt to concentrate me also in hectic situations on the important things and to keep calm and furthermore to adapt ( quasi “mich auf etwas einstellen”,ich wusste leider überhaupt nicht wie ich das ausdrücken soll =/ ) me on unexpected situations and also conflicts or to solve them. My socialableness and spontanity in dealing with new people could thereby develop even more.
I got the possibility of a training as a school mediator. In doing this I learnt to listen and to find a solution instead of getting stuck in the problem. Moreover, my quiet, balanced and trustworthy being helped the relaxation of the situation.
In addition I set value on team spirit and it is important to me that also weaker group members are receiving attention ,are respected and also aided. If necesary, I don´t have a problem with putting one´s foot down or to take back myself, depending on the situation.
If there would be a possibility, I would help with pleasure in the creation of an entertainment programme. To me it would be a pleasure ,to pass my knowledge in the areas singing and theatre, and I´m also open to all other activities, sporty and culturally, and interest towards.
Vielen Dank im Vorraus!
Liebe Grüße