Beiträge von Dési

    Heyho wäre sehr nett wenn ihr mir bei den Fehlern heflen könntet und diese korrekgiert :P

    I write a text about my school – my class. I go to school since 1999. I was happy where I was younger, when I go to school. When I had Enrolment my family was happy and I became a sugar bag. I had smile and my family had make many photos. The first day in the school was nice. We have fancied everybody. After school I went to the kindergarten and make there my homworks. I had easy homworks and more free time than now. When I was 11 I join to the secondary school. The name of the school was “Schule am Eschenweg”, but I must leave this school 2005, because this school was closed. I change with my class to the mittelschule Lichtentanne. I settled down there well. I find new friends. The problem was we had every year a new mathamatic teacher. It was realy hard, because every learn it different. In the year 2009 i am finish with school. I hop so much that I bested my exams.

    Lg Dési :oops:

    (Most lightly falls to me the reading part in English) ind deutsch = Am leichtesten fällt mir der Leseteil in Englisch.

    (small languages might die owt and English) – (speaking countries may have an advantage against other ones).

    small languages might die owt /// and /// English - speaking countries may have an advantage against other ones

    Text über das Thema " English a world language"

    English a world language

    I write a text about English a world language. I learn English since 8 years. Mosst lightly falls to me the reading part into English. 340 million people speak English as her mother tongue.
    How many people English speak as a bilingual, about that one is not exactly in the clear.
    In English is taught in a lot of countries as the first foreign language in the schools and is official language of many international organisation.
    There are advantages and postshares for the English world langugage.
    Advantages are a language, understand everywhere, flexible language, easy to lean and for about 300 Mio. People the first language. Postshares are different dialects, small languages might die owt and English – speaking countries may have an advantage against other ones.
    There are many discussions about the first language.
    In my opinion is English a nice language and is easily to be learnt.

    Wäre nett wenn Ihr die Fehler kontrolliert ;)

    Lg Dési

    Text über das Thema " English a world language"

    English a worl language

    I write a text about English a world language. I learn English since 8 years. Mosst lightly falls to me the reading part into English. 340 million people speak English as her mother tongue.
    How many people English speak as a bilingual, about that one is not exactly in the clear.
    In English is taught in a lot of countries as the first foreign language in the schools and is official language of many international organisation.
    There are advantages and postshares for the English world langugage.
    Advantages are a language, understand everywhere, flexible language, easy to lean and for about 300 Mio. People the first language. Postshares are different dialects, small languages might die owt and English – speaking countries may have an advantage against other ones.
    There are many discussions about the first language.
    In my opinion is English a nice language and is easily to be learnt.

    Wäre nett wenn Ihr die Fehler kontrolliert ;)

    Lg Dési