Beiträge von merve

    Ich sollte über eine Geschichte einen Tagebuch-Eintrag aus der Sicht einer Hauptperson der Geschichte schreiben.
    Könnte mir das vielleicht jemand korrigieren und vielleicht auch Inhaltlich etwas verbessern?

    Dear Diary
    today our class made an excursion to a poetry. First I wasn’t really excited about it but the day was great…
    When I arrived to the meeting place of our class with our teacher, it was still dark. Then I went into the bus to search a place to sit. And then I saw Gene, the boy from the other class, the “bad” one. I always wanted to talk to him, but I was too shy. However I asked him to sit next to him and he seemed not to have a problem with that. At least we began to talk and I noticed that he was really nice. After a long trip we appeared to the poetry and there we also sit together. While the rest of the class sit in the front, we sat on the back. Then the poet came and began to read one of his poems. Because it didn’t rhymed anyway, Gene was surprised. And because his other poems were really personal or sort of senseless, Gene didn’t liked them and I agreed him. When the Reading was over, everyone, beside of me and Gene, went to the poet to get a sign, but we just went to the bus. On the way back, I told him that he is wiser than most of the people in my class, although I’m in an advanced class and I also said, that he would be a really good poet, better than the men from the poetry. At least we didn’t talk so much, just toughed about the day. And I have to admit, that I really like him... And I hope that he liked me as well as I did him. To tell the truth, I hope we will get really good friends, or maybe a bit more.

    Danke im Voraus:)