Beiträge von kocamanfurkan75

    In my old school shows the student their commitment towart seniors. 10 students from SHS school get involved in his freetime for seniors. They visit the old people once a week in the old home ( Altersheim ) and the students talk with him, or walk in the forest or go shopping. Aid was contact between young and old people. But that was one of three projects. Another project was , how i write an email. The seniors come to school and learn how they can write an email. But was suprized, that the teacher was the students from SHS school. They say and show the old people, how they can write an email. Aid from this project was that the students learn complex content to explain step to step. The students also lern social skills such as reliabilliy. And the old people learn how to write an email. The last projct was how i write a sms. The old people want to write a sms. but they can´t that. The students explain that very slow and they do also practice. The old people write an sms to his grandson. I can never forget that, the gradnson replies i love you too sandra. we laughted very loud. The air was the same as by the secound project.also we cann see that the students do everything, that the seniors can leran everything.

    Ich muss ein referat vorbereiten für die schule und habe das thema Licht als spannungsquelle.
    •technologische anwendung
    •vor & nachteile
    •physikalischer Effekt

    für diese 3 unterthemen brauche ich informationen. ich habe schon gegoogelt, aber habe nichts gefunden.

    könnt ihr mir helfen?