Beiträge von MaxRoxx


    Ich schreibe übermorgen eine Arbeit über u.a. Bildbeschreibungen. Das ist ds einzige wo ich mir unsicher bin.

    Es geht um folgendes Bild:…ldier+black.jpg

    Ich übe mit einem Freund, hier mein Text, dann seiner:

    In the picture I can see a soldier who is wearing a helmet. He is crying. His face looks very frightened. Tears drop down his face. Maybe he is at war. I think his family dies or hies buddy. Perhaps the brutality and the murderers damage him mentaly.


    In the picture you can see a soldier, he wear a helmet fron the army. He cries, and the water driped down his face. He is coloured black. Maybe he is sad, because he had lose a friend or his family. I think he is fighting in a war, and must kill other people.

    Das war sein Text.
    Bitte um Hilfe.
    Danke im Vorraus.