Beiträge von masterboy04

    As inhabitants of this earth, one of our main priorities is to protect the environment that has been given to us. While many people may have forgotten about the importance of protecting the earth, there exists a series of organization whose main purpose is to protect all natural aspects of the planet we call home. Environment and pollution is not a new topic. It is a problem we have noticed since the industrial revolution, when tress, houses and cars were covered in soot from the factories. With all the talk of acid rains, global warming and ozone depletion it seems hopeless , but I think it isn't . Everyone can make a difference. A really large problem is the water pollution. Water pollution has effected a lot of people and animals. Some of the water pollution has effected a lot of people and animals. Some of the water pollution is done by chemical leaks, and others by ships. There are many causes for water pollution. I think plastic is playing a big role. Many companies use plastic and people throw it sometimes in the waterways. Because water can flow and be carried by the wind. I think the second highest cause of water pollution is ship waste. Ships used to take much garbage with them on their ships and dump them. Animals are also being harmed by the wastes. Water pollution doesn't just effect humans, it affects our whole ecosystem. Birds and marine life are affected by it. When they eat plastic, they feel full, so some of them die of starvation. Water is our main source of our life. We need it to live, drink, bathe and manufacturing. We need water for almost everything, if we don't start cleaning up, I think we will be in big trouble in future. A similar problem is the air pollution. Air pollution is a quite serious problem especially in large cities. Such wastes are usually in the form of gases. These substances result common from burning fuel to power vehicles and to heat buildings. Industrial processes and burning of garbage can also contribute to air pollution. I think the air pollution can have a huge effect on health. It can stay in the lungs and can lead worsen symptoms such as asthma and bronchitis. Another difficult problem is the overpopulation that can be damage your world. I believe that the number of humans that live on our planet is really a large problem. We should develop new processes for stabilizing the current population. They affects of overpopulation on human society will be tremendous. Suffering from a lack of resource. Increasing amounts of food,energy,water would come in the future. All of the toxins released into the atmosphere.

    Human rights describe equal rights and freedom for everybody by the fact of being human and without distinction of any kind of race,color,sex,language,religion,political or other opinions. However, many people have always suffered from the lack of them throughout history. In fact, the lack of human rights has a lot of effects on everyone's life. Human rights are basic rights which every person has. It is not important if the people are black and white. We have the right to a home that means a place to sleep and live in. Clean water is also important because it is essential for human life. Another basic right is a livelihood. People need money to buy food or things they need. without food or water they would die although they do not want. Like everyone else human rights beings want to go to school, to have parents and live with them. Nobody has the right to prevent someone from his education. there are not any person who want to die so everyone should be able to go to a doctor or hospital for a health life. We also should be able to protect ourselves from unwanted pregnancy,disease and from violence. In connection with the previous aspects we have the right to a safe environment. There are also basic rights to equal chances and a say. Everyone can tell his own opinion without fear something or has to treated like all other people. However, there are millions of people who do not have these rights. I think all over the world are 100 millions homeless people and the homelessness increase every day. For example in Africa a lot of children are not able to go to school because their parents are poor. They have no money to buy school materials and schools do often have no tables,chairs and a safe place to work. Many children in Africa have to walk a long way to go to school. But only a little part of these children have a chance to an education. They do not have clean water,electricity, food and a home. It is very difficult for them so survive. the girls have often to marry on young ages because of their parents and they are not allowed to go to school in many cases. I think in India a lot of young children are forced to work. the jobs often are too hard but no one cares. They get a little reward but compared to getting too little.Another example is Thailand.
    Thailand has a huge problem with trafficking of women. They are often forced into prostitutes and have sometimes no way to getting out. According to my knowledge the police of Thailand have also been amused unlawful killings and torture. The unlawful killing is a part of their current war and drugs. Human rights need to be protected in every nation of the world. Organisations like "Amnesty International or " Human Right Watch " bring these crimes to the publications. Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights to be respected and protected.
    In conclusion I would like to say that the issue of human rights is currently much too little meaning. In my view there are far too many children with nothing to eat or without knowing how to read or writing in our world. Our goal should be taht we should all try together to get a peaceful and equitable world.

    Danke schon mal für die Korrektur hoffe dieser Text ist gut geschrieben weil mein erster eine Katastrophe war:warten::oops:

    The concept of Human Rights offers many possibilities for holding discourse. What are the rights in their totality ? Are they simple human ideas or do the originate from nature ? Where do the rights of men women children begin and and, and do rights ? Who can limit our rights ?
    First of all I think all human in this world are at liberty to enjoy all basic rights and Freedom. All human beings are universal, indivisible and interdependent. Human rights are what make us Human. When we speak of the right of live, or development, or to dissent and diversity, we are speaking of tolerance. Tolerance will ensure all freedoms. Without it, we can be certain of nonce. I think it should be all human beings must born free and equal in dignity and rights. The most commonly referred human rights include civil and political rights, such as the right to life and liberty, freedom of expression and equality before the law, including the right of food, the right of work and the right of free and equal education. I think the raging ethnic cleansing in Kosovo is an example of intolerance and foolishness. The Serbians in Kosovo would not tolerate the Albanians at any cost, They were forced them from their home, turned the streets into killing fields and that only because of the intolerance of one race against another. I think the same one is valid for the topic religion in our world. I think we can only live together through an expression of tolerance of the differences each of us brings into this world. Furthermore I think we should embrace the difference and share the differences. For this is how we learn, through each others' differences: Tolerance in all cultures is the basis of peace and progress. On my sight of view we must respect and preserve the rights of all. To celebrate the end i would like to deliver my personally opinion about this important topic.
    I think human rights are the only way to protect a lot of people against war,and human violation. I also think that a lot of powerful and nasty political group keep not respecting these human rights and I think they must suffer the consequences. In my view of sight there are a lot of children with nothing to eat or without knowing how to read their own names in some of countries in our world so we must push the government to take part in this problem because it is stopping us to become a peaceful and equitable world:oops: