Beiträge von Dave Hindenburg


    Ich musste fuer meine Schule einen kleinen Aufsatz schreiben.Für Tipps und Anregungen wäre ich sehr dankbar.

    The worst party I have ever been through

    I was at a the party this year.The location was pretty and there were a lot of people which I didnt know.After I had some beer I met a girl in the house who told me she is already 18 years old.She was very nice and lovely.We started talking .After a little while we decided to dance ,shared more alcohol together.Lets say we had a lot of fun.Some hours later we decided to go outside the house and get some fresh air.Suddenly we heard the police alarm at the house.We didn't do anything wrong .The police officer came to us and asked for our passport.I showed them my passport easily .Then they said I can stay at the people.Then they asked the girl for the passport which she showed up to them but they saw she is not allowed to stay here because she is not full-aged.I said oh no why did you ly to me ?
    She didnt answer anymore.The officers took her into the car to send her to her parents.After that I have never met her again.What a pity.

    Ich danke im voraus


    Hallo an alle!

    Ich musste fuer die Schule einen kleinen Aufsatz zum Thema:
    A meal for a special occasion schreiben.

    Wuerde gerne auf Fehler und Verbesserungsvorschlaege aufmerksam gemacht werden,danke.
    Mit dieser Aufgabe habe ich mich recht schwer getan.

    Zu dem Text !

    For a special meal occasion I would prefer an extraordinary birthday party.A location
    at the beach would decorate the occasion and a live band.The partymakers should be
    able to to choose all variations of food they want.The hosts are serving the most current
    dishes as a buffet.Thee guests also can choose the extra service which means they can request/can be served
    for "a la carte".

    Liebe Grüße

    Hallo ihr lieben

    habe mich gewagt ein rezept fuer eine quarkspeise zu schreiben,wohlgemerkt in engluscher sprache.ueber anregungen und verbesserung wuerde ich mich sehr freuen.

    Junket vanilla

    In a saucepan,warm the milk up with sugar and vanille essencein it.
    stir all the integridients.then pour the mixture into a big bowl,cover and dont move it from that spot for an hour.after an hour sprinkle it with extra sugar and some fresh fruits on the top.serve
    the dish cold.


    Ich habe im Fach Englisch 2 Hausarbeiten zur Bearbeitung in die Hand bekommen,wo ich hier hoffe ,das ich vlt noch ein paar Anmerkungen,eventuell Fehler in meinem Text beheben könnte.
    In der Ersten Hausarbeit sollte ein Text ueber "my best winter holiday" verfasst werde.

    Text 1

    The best winter holiday I have ever had was in Lech Zürs with my parents and my brother.In our 4 star hotel we had a lot of entertainment which we tried so far we could.Every single day during our
    winter holiday we enjoyed skying and snowboarding.Other activities like snowshoe hikinh and cross-country skying we only tried once.We also had trips to Tirol,Vorarlberg,Burgenland and Salzburg which
    was pretty interesting to see the winter landcapes and the famous cities there.The special on this trip was that we used every single day the beauty and wellness offer to relax our sour muscles and
    with the meaning.

    In der Zweiten Hausarbeit ging es darum einen Text ueber "lost in a strange town /foreign country"

    Text 2

    Lost in a strange country is connected with fear ,despair because of the situation.If I would be lost in a foreign country maybe without no knowledge of the language I would try to get in contact
    with other people.Also I should try to call my hotel which could me help out off that situation.There are many other opportunities like call the police ask them for help.One of the best way would be
    using your travel map to get to a safe place where you are able to contact other people.You always should make sure before you leave the erea of a foreign country that you carry a travel map with
    you ,some money to call the police with and enough information about the place where you are living at this time.

    Ich wuerde mich freuen ,wenn Fehler ect angesprochen werden ,sodass ich durch eurer Wissen meine Schwachpunkte in diesen Texten beheben kann.

    Liebe Grüße Dave

    Hallo Leute!

    Ich bin noch neu hier und bitte um Verstaendnis,falls ich nicht gleich alles richtig mache.
    Nun zu meiner Frage,die mir echt peinlich ist sie zu stellen.

    Es geht um eine Art Sachaufgabe,die ich durch eine vorhandene Formel berechnen muss.

    Um 7 Uhr Morgens wurden bei einer Temperatur von 10 Grad 7,6 g/m hoch 3 Wasserdampf gemessen.Wie hoch ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt die relative Luftfeuchtigkeit?

    Formel zur Errechnung der relativen Luftfeuchte:

    rel.Luftfeuchte in % = absolute Luftfeuchte (f=gemessene Feuchte) X100

    maximale Feuchte bei Best. T (Sättigungswert) Q)

    Hoffentlich kann mir einer helfen der heller im Kopf als ich ist...
