HalliHallo Leute., hallihallo welt !
Ich bedanke mich schonmal im voraus, für das lesen und das korrigieren meines textes.
Ich muss morgen in englisch meine hausuafgaben vorlesen.
Es geht um "home-Schooling" (contra) wir sollen nur ein hauptteil schreiben,
das schwächste argument ganz am anfang, das stärkste zum schluss.
ich hoffe, dass ihr vllt mir verbesserungsvorschläge geben könnt ! (sachen, die in klammern sind und mit einem / gekennzeichnet ist, da bitte ich doch darum zu nennen, welcher satz besser klingt. .. danke )
First of all, everyone is obligated (verpflichtet) to go to school in Germany. homeschooling isn't allowed because of the law frohm the state. this law is (published/released) (?) since 1791. if your parents teach you at thome the state can disolve this problem for example by abstract the child custody (sorgerecht entziehen). also it could be that parents (aren't able to teach / haven't got the ability to teach) (?) their children. maybe in two months the parents aren't in the mood (for teaching / to teach) their children anymore. beaucse of that problem teachers were trained. teachers have studied how to handle and communicate with childrens, and parents not. teachers have more experiences as the parents and they (know how to do what/ have the right qualifications). in addition, school protect children from their families predjudices and nobody can be sure they'll get a good education at home. another important aspect is that children have more fun to learn in the school as home. which child wants to learn alone at home ? finally i think the most imprtant argument is that children who are teached home (fehlt der soziale kontakt ) // wer kann das auf englisch übesetzen ? the haven't got the chance to spend time with other kids and there are no experiences for their futures. whren you are teached home you only knwo the "one side opinion" from your parents and haven't got the choice to develop (?) your own opinion for example for religious, political or social topics. to put it in a nutshell every children should be allowed to contact other people and to set their own opinion free!
.. ich hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen, die in klammern stehen. achtet bitte auch auf die zeitform !
ich bedanke mich herzlich.
viele liebe grüße :):):)