Beiträge von Strebah

    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]My perfect job according to self-assessment tests[/FONT]

    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]I did many self-assessment tests to find out which job is the best one for me. But I'm still not sure. I'm interested in many careers but I also think that they aren't diversified enough for me. I don't want something where I will be bored after a half year.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Anyway I think I would enjoy a job as a teacher in a primary school. I haven't to be very flexible because I have regular hours of work and I can show everybody the responsibility I'm able to handle with. I would have the opportunity to work out conflicts and to be a kind of role model for the children. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]They want to have fun while learning and I could use my creativity to make their and also my school life interesting. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]I'm convinced that a elementary teacher have to be confident because when you seem to be insecure, the pupils will realize that immediately, they get scared too and they don't know how to behave towards you. In other words: You would have failed absolutely.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]But I think I'm very self-confident, so this doesn't pose a problem.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]I'm also very reliable and when I should do something for the next day, I do it until it's finished.[/FONT]
     [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]As a teacher at the primary school I haven't to concentrate only on two or three subjects like a teacher at the secondary school, I could teach the pupils nearly everything. This sounds nice because to be honest I like every subject in school.[/FONT]
     [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]One of my strength is that I don't get nervous when I have to speak in front of people and as a teacher I'll have to do it everyday. [/FONT] 
     [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Because I like foreign languages it could be the case that I'll teach children in an other country or continent. Who knows? [/FONT] 

    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Although I'm quite not sure if this job is my “perfect job” I would enjoy the work with the young children and the lessons. I think the job as a elementary teacher is a good opportunity for my future life and otherwise... I'm sure I have enough time for thinking about that hardly. :-)[/FONT]

    Das soll ein Artikel für eine Schulzeitung sein. ;)

    How to succeed in a job interview?

    Do you know how to succeed in a job interview?
    Last week I had my first one for an intern ship in the holidays and it wasn't very funny. I thought it wouldn't be very important to be prepared for upcoming questions or to think about my shoes. But I was wrong. The interview was awful! I didn't know what to answer when the employer asked me something about my character, my goals I want to reach and my interest in the company.
    When I was at home again, I searched in the internet and found out that a job interview isn't a thing to underestimate.
    I thought it may be the case that also other pupils don't know how to behave and what is required and I decided to told you the most important things in that article.

    By my search I got to know the following: It is very important to have eye-contact with the employer. You should take care of your language and of your facial expressions. Never interrupt the employer and please leave your chewing gum at home! It is very useful when you think about answers for the usual questions and be aware to answer in whole sentences without stumbling. You shouldn't forget about your body posture and being self-confident to convince the person of yours. It makes sense to find out a bit about the company, the history etc. to leave a good impression. A big important point is also the topic clothes. As a girl you never be allowed to wear a short rock or a revealing top. You haven't to wear chic clothes but they should be tidy. In every job it is different what is suitable. My tip: Gain information about your job, you want to apply for, for example in the internet, about the best suitable clothes, the best possible answers and the best behaviour. ;)
    I already mentioned the shoes. The shoes are a thing which is to take seriously, too. Never come to a job interview with dirty shoes!
    Of course you will be excited before and also during the interview, because it decides if you get the job or not. But try to stay calm and be yourself. Be open, tell them about yourself and show them the best side of yours.
    I know this sounds very difficult and nearly impossible but believe me, it works.

    Two days after my first job interview I had another one for an other company. I was well-prepared because at this time I knew what to care about. I was excited the whole time because of my bad experiences and I concentrated on avoiding the same mistakes than before. I knew what to talk about because I knew the upcoming questions and everything went alright.
    Yesterday I got a call of the company and... I have the permission to do my intern ship there!! :)

    Everything I want to say at the end: Be prepared. Be well-prepared and you have high chances to get the job! ;)

    Das ist für ein Port folio in Englisch, dass ich morgen abgeben muss (ich weiß ich bin etwas knapp) und ich glaub da sind noch ein paar Fehler drin. :-?

    Wäre toll, wenn ihr mir da etwas helfen könntet! ;)

    My first day at work

    Dear diary,
    today I had my first day at work. I was very excited and couldn't sleep well. When I arrived I felt sick and I thought of going home. But I told myself that the only reason was that everything was so new. What kind of class will I get? Will the pupils be nice? What about the other teachers?
    That were very important questions which came up in my mind.
    The headmaster told me on the telephone that I would have to work approximately six hours of school on the first day. From 8:00h until 13:15h. But I didn't know the routine of the day exactly and I didn't know which subjects I will have to teach the children.
    I try to stay calm by thinking: Everything will turn right, you will be accepted and you will enjoy the class and school.
    It worked. I went in the building to the headmasters room and knocked on the door. "Come in.", a female voice said. I went in and said Hello. Mrs. Parker seemed to be happy to see me. I was a little bit surprised but I began to smile. "You get one of the 2nd classes. Mrs. Bullstrode who taught the pupils last year, got a baby and she won't work for about two years." "Okay", I said happily. A 2nd class. That sounded nice. The headmaster added: "I will show you everything and help you anytime I can. When you have a question, a suggestion, problems or anything else contact me, okay?" Wow. She doesn't only seemed to be nice, she is nice, I thought. Why I was so scared?
    She gave me my timetable, accompanied me to my new classroom and explained many things to me. On the way I got to know the teachers' room, the toilets and an other teacher, Mr. Müller. He comes from Germany, from Stuttgart. "Schön, jemanden hier zu haben, mit dem man auch mal Deutsch reden kann.", he said with a big smile on his face. Very charming, I thought.
    At 8:00 a clock I went on the schoolyard like Mrs. Parker advised me. The pupils stood in groups. I found a sign: Class 2, Mrs. Gockel. Okay. That was my, MY, class. Oh my god. But everything went totally cool. The class was nice. The pupils were happy to be in school again after the long holidays and they talked about the locations where they spent the holidays and what happened to them. I gave them the new schoolbooks and we started with some easy exercises. They worked very motivated and the time flew. At the end of the school they said Bye and leaved by talking with friends.
    Oh! I forgot to tell you about the other teachers. Well, they are very nice too. They intiegrated me immediately and asked me about my decision to work here and not in Germany. I was surprised because they knew already many things about that because of Mr. Müller. But I told them about my former life and they seemed to be very interested.
    I feel fine. I feel very fine. Everything went wonderful today and I enjoy the work so much. I already prepared myself for tomorrow and I think I'll go to bed now. The day was very long and I'm tired.
    I will write you what happens in my new schoollife soon.

    Joar, das soll ein Verkaufsgespräch darstellen. C=Cliente, V=Vendeuse
    Wäre super, wenn ihr mir, falls ich Fehler gemacht haben sollte, die verbessert? Möglichst schnell. Dankeschön. :)

    C: Bonjour.
    V: Bonjour mademoiselle. Je peux t'aider?
    C: Oui. Je cherche un jean, un pull et un t-shirt.
    V: Quelles couleurs tu aimes?
    C: J'aime l'orange et le rouge. Mais je voudrais le jean en noir.
    V: Tu fais quelle taille?
    C: Je fais du S.
    V: Voilà un t-shirt orange et un pull en rouge. Et voici un jean noir.
    C: Merci. Je peux les essayer?
    V: Biensûr, voilà nos cabiness d'essayage. Ca te vas?
    C: Le t-shirt et le jean sont parfait, mais le pull est trop large et je n'aime pas la capuche.
    V: Pas de problème. Je cherche un autre pull en XS.
    C: D'accord.
    V: Voilà, le pull.
    C: Merci. Le pull est trop génial. Je le prends! Et le t-shirt et le jean aussi.
    V: Super.
    C: Ca fait combien, les trois?
    V: Le t-shirt 20€, le pull 30€ et le jean 50€, alors 100€.
    C: Vous pouvez me donner une réduction?
    V: D'accord je te fais une réduction de 10%, alors 90€.
    C: Merci. Vous acceptez des cartes VISA?
    V: Biensûr. Merci, mademoiselle. Au revoir.
    C: Au revoir madame.

    Si j'étais le Père Noel j'aurais un grand sac-à-dos avec les cadeaux.
    J'arriverais avec ma luge et mon cerf.
    Je chanterais de chasons de Noel très haut.
    Chaque Noel il neigera et je rendrais heureux tous les enfants.
    J'aurais une costume de Noel rouge et je surprendrais tout le monde le soir et je lui donnerais les cadeaux.

    Schonmal danke ;)

    Hallo Leute!
    Soll eine kurze Fantasy-Geschichte in Französisch für morgen schreiben und da sind glaub ich einige Fehler drin... Besonders bei den Zeiten...
    Wäre toll wenn ihr mir helfen könntet!
    Danke schonmal! ;)

    Une magicienne pour un jour
    C’était un bon jour, mais Carolin s’asseyait dans sa chambre et s’était ennuie parce que ses amis n’avaient pas de temps pour la. Tout à coup Carolin a entendu un bruit. Elle a cherché et puis elle a entendu le bruit encore mais plus haut que la première fois. La fille s’a retourné et elle a apercevoir une petite fée. Elle a expliqué à Carolin qu’elle est une magicienne pour aujourd’hui et elle peut pratiquer la magie ce qu’elle veut. La fée a disparu et Carolin était très étonnée et elle s’a pensé si elle rêve. Elle n’a pas su comment elle peut pratiquer la magie, mais elle l’a voulu essayer. La fille a dit : >>Je veux un grand huit dans notre jardin!<< et puis elle a regardé par la fenêtre. Et c’était vrai ! Dans le jardin était un grand huit éxcitant et Carolin était contente. Elle a pratiqué la magie toute la journée et le soir Carolin a eu un chien lila, un ordinateur, et un gnome qui finit ses devoirs. Quand elle s’a pageoté elle était un peu triste parce que la fée a dit qu’elle est une magicienne d’aujourd’hui seulement.