Beiträge von Botzazius

    Währe toll wenn mir das hier jemand mal Korrekturlesen könnte.

    Übrigens ist das nicht genau der Text den ich benutzen werde z.B. werde ich wahrscheinlich noch ein paar Übergänge einbauen.
    Außerdem benutze ich eine Goldpfanne um das Goldwaschen Vorzuführen weshalb ich eventuell etwas von mein Text abweichen werde.

    Danke schon mal im voraus:-D

    The Topic of my talk today is Gold Rush
    In the world history there were lots of gold rushes, but today I will talk about the California Gold Rush which was one of the biggest and maybe the most known one.
    The California Gold Rush began in 1848, as James W. Marshall found gold in a water wheel of a lumber mill on the American river and end in 1855. It took over 300.000 people to California.

    Before the Gold Rush, California was just a thinly populated territory in the US, but by the time it ended California become a U.S state and the home state of the Republican Party.

    Now I like to explain how the gold seeker in 1848 panned gold.
    The Gold panning process is really simple, you just need a good place on a river or a stream where you have heard gold has been found. Then you have to fill your pan with the gravel from the river.
    When you have enough gravel you just need to put your pan underwater and shake it, when you do this, the gold will sink to the bottom of your pan because it is heavier then all other materials like the sand or the gavel in your pan, but all these lighter materials are floating out and away.
    After you have done this a while, and there are only a little bit sand and gravel in the pan you can pick up your gold and put it in a bottle.

    Hallo Fluffy,
    Entschuldige wenn dir mein Beitrag nicht gefallen hat.
    Allerdings kann ich deiner Aussage nicht zustimmen, einige Informationen sind zwar eventuell aus Wikipedia übernommen, (was allerdings mehr daran liegt das in Wikipedia beinahe alles über solche Themen steht) jedoch habe ich, wie dir sicherlich aufgefallen sein wird die allgemeine Form überhaupt nicht übernommen.
    Ich Benutze im übrigen Wikipedia auch nur im Notfall, falls ich sonst keine anderen Quellen finde, weshalb ich es hier auch so gut wie gar nicht benutzt habe.
    Zudem muss ich noch hinzufügen, das ich ein 16 Jähriger Zehntklässler bin, der gerade seinen Realschulabschluss macht und deshalb VIELLEICHT auch nicht mit einem 68 Jährigen im Thema Englisch konkurieren kann.



    Ich hab diesen Text im Internet gefunden und wollte fragen ob hier jemand irgendwelche Fehler finden kann, da ich den Text ganz gern für meine Eurocom benutzen würde, also eventuell kleinere Textpassagen herausnehmen und allgemein Informationen davon übernehmen.

    The California Gold Rush

    My presentation is about the California Gold Rush. It was between 1848 and 1853.

    When the Gold Rush began California was no part of the United States, it was just a lawless place belongs to Mexico. John Sutter, a landowner in this area had a lot of farms there and his plan was to create an agricultural empire.
    At one day in 1848 his worker James W. Marshall found a piece of gold in the American River. He told Sutter of his discovery. But John Sutter wasn’t every happy, because he feared that a Gold Rush would cause an invasion of people which destroyed his plan of an empire and he wanted to keep this discovery secret. Sam Brannon a businessman heard from this secret and he had a profitable idea. He purchased all equipment in San Francisco which was needed for searching gold and then he made a speech and told about the secret. After that all people wanted to search for gold and they needed equipment, so they went to Sam Brannon and purchased for example a pan for 20$, which Sam Brannon bought a few days before for half a Dollar. The Gold Rush had begun.

    The first people searched for gold used simple techniques like panning or sluice boxing. When you pan for gold you use the high specific gravity of gold and water. You wave the pan, then sand and stones with the lower specific gravity slop out of the pan and only the gold stay lying down. A sluice box is a water channel alongside the river. Function of a sluice box: water steams and only the gold stay between the riffles.

    When the message of the Gold Rush had spread, more and more people were attracted with the hope to get rich and so they travelled to California. The first people came from near California and Mexico, then from South America, the United States and China. Europeans must first went over the Atlantic and then took one of the three routes. The first route was the overland route, the second the Panama route and the third was over the Cape Horn, which was the longest. During the Gold Rush the population of California increased from 20000 to 300000 people.

    The most people arrived California in 1849, these gold seekers are called the 49ers. John Sutters fear became reality and the 49ers destroyed his land and farms by exploiting them. After that he left the state with nothing. The good thing for the 49ers was that there was no government and so the gold was free to take. But with
    time gold was getting harder to find and new methods like hydraulic mining and pumps were developed. Many gold seekers united to finance these expensive techniques and to mind gold in a high amount.

    Not only the gold seekers profited from the Gold Rush but also the traders like Sam Brannon. During more and more people came to California many towns were built and San Francisco increased from 1000 to 25000 residents. Groceries, equipment and alcohol was offered by traders for increased prices. So many gold seekers had to spend their daily profit for these things. This caused that traders made more money during the Gold Rush than the seekers.

    In 1850 California became a state of the United States and the government passed a foreign mining tax of 20$ per month. This caused that many gold seekers left the state and went home. With time mining companies pushed the single gold seekers out of the land and the industrial gold mining began and so the Gold Rush ended.

    The negative effects that the Gold Rush had caused were the by- products and the destroyed landscape. Heavy metal like mercury got free and polluted the rivers and killed many fish. Also a lot of native Americans were killed or pushed out of the state, because they were not interested in gold

    The positive effects were that the Gold Rush created the state California and stimulated economics worldwide.

    Währe toll wenn mir das hier jemand mal Korrektur lesen könnte.
    Danke im vorraus:-D

    The Topic of my talk today is Florida.
    I am going to divide my talk into 4 sections, first I will give you some general facts about Florida, Next I will talk about the important Cities of Florida, Third I look at the climate of Florida, and Finally at the Tourism of Florida

    Florida is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States.
    It is the 22nd most extensive States of the United States
    It is 170.000km² in this area lives over 20 Million peopole

    The Capital of Florida is Tallahassee with 190.000 inhabitants it is the 7th largest city in Florida, so it’s a little bit bigger than Heidelberg.
    But the biggest City of Florida is Jacksonville with 913.000 Inhabitants, so it is nearly as big as Köln, which is the 5th biggest city in Germany.

    The climate of Florida is influenced by the fact that no part of the state is far away from the ocean
    Florida is also the most southern State of U.S so the temperature is most of the year between 30-10 degree.
    Because of this Florida’s official nickname is the sunshine State.

    Florida’s most important state economy is the tourism industry, Florida is visited from over 100 Million people per year
    One of the important sight is the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, it is the most visited resort I the world with over 50 million visitors per year, another theme park is the SeaWorld Orlando which opened 1973.