Beiträge von Flo

    hey ihr da draußen ????
    ich muss in englisch ein referat halten und ich bräuchte das auf grammatik korrigiert und meine lehrerin is wie ein aas-geier bei sowas.

    In the usa is having slaves since 1865 Not allowed but the afro-americans were still supressed.
    1955 The radial segretion was still put on. That means that black people can’t go in a Restaurant were only white people ate. This was allowed and so it gave one Pool for afro-americans and one for only white people. The can be but it must’nt be. That was allowed, if the public places are the same. But nobody did care about this, so the public places for the people who are black was’nt so good as the for white people. The movement was a really rainbow of actions for getting the same Status as white. A Famous person in the movement was rosa parks. She was driving with the bus and black people had to sit in the back of the bus. If the bus was too fun, black people had to sit up so white can sit on they time Rosa parks said easily no. The thing made many black people to drive not with the bus for 381 days. The afro-americans won attention trough this. In the schools was the racial segretian, too. In Arkansas was one headteacher who did’t allowed there there aero-american kids to come to his school because they were black. 1961 began people to make “freedom rides”. they gone, as example, to Kanada were they can Drive in bus without sitting in the back and then they drived trough America. So they reached that the racial segretation on bus tours trough america is’nt put on. that means, if they do this, they can sit in the front. His big debut Martin luther King had on the marsh in Washington. At this time he had his famous speech “i have a dream“. Like the song, just with i. 1965 the S.N.C.C. had started a program that say blacks must register for choosing they President. Because of this many people go to demonstrations to the capital, but the Police came and caught them. But the Programm had a surprise who noboby in the SNCC thinked. Three months later a Quarter Million people registered for choosing. After Martin Luther King dead, The government now made little Stepps that the aero-americans the same as white people.

    sorry, is'n bissle viel aber bitte nehmt euch kurz zeit.

    danke im vorraus.

    Ich schlage vor, du korrigierst erst mal alle Rechtschreibfehler(53 inklusive die Fehler im deutschen Begleittext), die ich hier fett markiert habe; dann stellst du den Text rechtschreibfehlerfrei wieder ein, damit wir dann eines deiner nächsten Probleme bei der Erstellung von Texten in Englisch tacklen können.

    ja klar. hab ich ja. aber da steht so viel drin ich verstehs immer noch nicht. :)

    rose. ♥

    ja, ja, unser ur-deutsches Schülerproblem, der PISA-test hat es ja gerade wieder bestätigt: deutsche Schüler können zwar lesen, sie verstehen aber nicht, was sie gelesen haben.
    Da musst du ganz allein dran arbeiten, auch wenn's dann mal länger dauert.



    "eigentlich" ist hier völlig Fehl am Platze

    tiorthan, da hast du etwas missverstanden: mit dem "eigentlich" wollte ich nur sagen, dass Schüler "grundsätzlich" keine Hausaufgaben von Freitag zu Montag machen sollen (dieses Gebot von Lehrern leider häufiger missachtet wird - daher "eigentlich" keine Haushaufgaben ...-); wenn der Lehrer sich an das "Gebot"! gehalten hat, dann hätte der Fragesteller ja schon viel länger Zeit gehabt und seine Frage entsprechend sehr viel früher einstellen können.


    Auch wenn dein Jammern noch so groß ist, wir sind hier kein Hausaufgabenbestellausführungsundfreihauslieferungsservice; du musst schon mal erst was schreiben. Die Frage, warum dir diese Aufgabe erst so spät einfällt, nachdem das Wochenende schon fast abgelaufen ist - und da es sich um eine Aufgabe für Montag handelt - und man eigentlich von Freitag zu Montag keine Aufgaben machen darf - diese also schon länger bei dir schmort , stelle ich lieber gar nicht erst.


    Ich weiß nicht, ob das, was ich hier mache, in Sinne deiner Lehrerin ist: ich habe im "english thesaurus", einem Wörterbuch, in dem zu einem Begriff Begriffe mit ähnlicher Bedeutung (=Synonyme) aufgelistet werden, das Suchwsort "bully" eingege ben; hier das Ergebnis:


    Main Entry: bully Part of Speech: verb Definition: intimidate, push around Synonyms: bludgeon, bluster, browbeat, buffalo, bulldoze, coerce, cow, despotize, domineer, dragoon, enforce, harass, hector, lean on, menace, oppress, overbear, persecute, ride roughshod, showboat, swagger, terrorize, threaten, torment, torture, turn on the heat, tyrannize, walk heavy Antonyms: allow, leave alone
    Main Entry: bullying Part of Speech: adjective Definition: domineering Synonyms: blustering, despotic, hectoring, imperious, swaggering…ol-diaries.html

    Main Entry: badger Part of Speech: verb Definition: nag, bother Synonyms: annoy, bait, bug, bully, eat*, give the business, goad, harass, harry, hassle, heckle, hound, importune, insist on, needle, nudge, pester, plague, ride, tease, torment, work on * = informal/non-formal usage

    Main Entry: boast Part of Speech: verb Definition: brag Synonyms: advertise, aggrandize, attract attention, blow, blow one's own horn, blow smoke, bluster, bully, cock-a-doodle-doo, con, congratulate oneself, crow, exaggerate, exult, fake, flatter oneself, flaunt, flourish, gasconade, give a good account of oneself, gloat, glory, grandstand, hug oneself, jive, lay on thick, prate, preen, psych, puff, shoot*, shovel, show off, showboat, shuck, sling, sound off, strut, swagger, talk big, triumph, vapor Antonyms: be modest, deprecate



    In the picture I can see a soldier who is wearing a (1) helmet. He is crying and looks very frightened. Tears are running down(2) his face. Maybe he is at war. I think his family or his buddy have died (3). Perhaps the brutality of war and the murder he has facedhave hurt (4) him mentally (5).

    1) wie "an" . "helmet hat ein anlautendes "h", das "an" gibt es nur vor anlautenden Vokalen.
    2) ob nun running oder dropping is "Wurscht" - die Korrektur hin zu present progressive wurde schon von mir vorgenommen
    3)/ 4) past tense geht hier nicht, da kein Signalwort für die Vergangenheit vorliegt; muss present perfect sein
    5) mentally wurde schon von mir verbessert.


    In the picture you can see a soldier who is wearing an army helmet. He is crying and the tears are running down his face. He is african-american(6). Maybe he is sad, because he has lost (7) a friend or his family. I think he is fighting in a war, and has to (8)kill other people.

    -vgl. meinen direkten Kommentar
    7) meine Korrektur pres.perfect ist richtig; du hast hier einen Fehler hineinverbessert (vgl. 3/4)
    (8) must kann im Präsens verwendet werden; keine Notwendigkeit hier das Substitut "has to" einzusetzen.


    As inhabitants of this earth, one of our main priorities is to protect the environment that has been given to us. While many people may have forgotten about the importance of protecting the earth, there exists a series of organizations whose main purpose is to protect all natural aspects of the planet we call home. Environment and pollution is not a new topic. It is a problem we have noticed since the industrial revolution, when trees, houses and cars were covered by the soot from [---]factories. With all the talk about acid rains, global warming and ozone depletion it seems hopeless , but I think it isn't . Everyone can make a difference. A really large problem is [---] water pollution. Water pollution has effected a lot of people and animals. [---doppelt---]. Some of the water pollution has been done by chemical leaks, and others by ships. There are many causes for water pollution. I think plastic materials play a big role. Many companies use plastic materials and people often throw them into the water. As water flows and as there are streams in the oceans this kind of garbage has easily been distributed all over the oceans.. I think the second highest cause of water pollution is waste from ships. Ships produce much garbage which is dumped into the open sea. Vey often ships clean their holds (=Laderaum) and tanks, thus contributing to the pollution of the seas. Animals are [---]being harmed by the wastes. Birds and marine life are affected by it. [---] They eat plastic materials or they are trapped in them, so they die of intoxication or starvation. Water pollution doesn't just effect animals and humans, it affects our whole ecosystem. [---]

    so weit erst mal; inhaltlich: sehr oberflächlich



    @ masterboy4, ich habe deinen Text jetzt mehrfach durchgelesen; ich halte ihn schlichtweg für nicht korrigierbar; zum einen enthält er viele sachliche / inhaltliche Fehler (die nicht auch noch korrigieren möchte), und zum anderen reduziert er sich auf eine pompöse, übertriebene und anmaßende Parade monströser Wörter, die durch die von dir produzierten heißen Luft über das Parkett der Eitelkeiten getrieben wird.


    Bestimme bei den Sätzen 1 bis 8 die Zeiten:
    1) present perfect
    2. present perfect (es fehlt das signalwort für die V ergangenheit)
    3. present progressive
    4. present perfect (vgl. 2,)
    5. present perfect (vgl. 2)
    6. present perfect (vgl. 2)
    7. present perfect (vgl. 2)
    8. present progressive

    (Anmerkung: die Sätze 1 und 4 bis 7 stehen im Deutschen zwar in der Vergangenheit (past tense - und der Lehrer wird auch das past vor euch erwarten; formal richtig ist aber das present perfect, weil ein Signalwort (wie "yesterday, last week, two hours ago) fehlt, was die Abgeschlossenheit der Handlung ausdrückt.

    Zeiten im Passiv: present tense: he is praised // present progressive: he is being praised // past tense: he was praised /// present perfect tense: he has been praised;
    Bei "W"-Fragen kommt erst das W-Fragewort, dann das Hilfsverb des Prädikates, dann das Subjekt: / bei Ja-NeinFragen fehlt das W-Fragewort:
    Beispiel Satz 1: Has the burglar been caught.?
    Beispiel Satz 2: How has he been caught?

    ... in dem Sinne erst mal die Sätze 1 - 8


    ja, ja, wir, ehemals ein Volk der Dichter und Denker, haben wahrlich Kreativitätsprobleme!
    Meine Güte, da sind schon 35 Wörter vorgegeben!
    Sortiere diese doch mal: 1 in the morning : have a bath / have breakfst / take a shower / get dressed) ; 2. going somewhere (get off a train, get on a bus, take a train, take the underground) 3. do something: (go into a museum , go sight seeng, look at the sights, takes notes, take pictures) 4. be with friends:( have fun, have lunch, have a party 5. others: not enough pocket money.

    so, und nun brauchst du nur einen "außergewöhnlichen Tag" beschreiben


    Deine Aufgabe musst du schon allein machen; ich helfe aber:

    Das Passiv wird aus der zeitform von "be" und der 3. Verbform (unregelm. Verben) bzw. Verb+ed gebildet.

    Satz 1: Wheat [+Präsenszeitform von be (am, is oder are) + 3.Form von grow] on huge farms ...

    Satz 2: Sugar and Pineapples [Präs.form is/am/are + 3.Form von bring] from Hawaii.

    Bei den folgenden Sätzen musst du die Satzteile umkehren:
    die Objekte werden zu den neuen Subjekten und das neue Objekt ist jeweils "by the storm";

    1.A house [pastform von 'be' = was/were] + 3.Form blow down + by the storm:
    somit: A house was blown down by the storm.

    Da alle anderen Sätze auch im past stehen, solltest du jetzt keine Schwierigkeiten mehr haben.

    Hinweis: du musst natürlich immer erst feststellen , ob das Passiv-Subjekt im Singular oder Plural steht! (also is? oder are? ///was? oder were?)



    At the beginning there are just Ralph and Piggy. They decide to blow a conch to see if there are any others on the island. Conch means the same like shell. Blowing the conch makes a loud whistling sound. It should be like a kind of signal. After Ralph had blown the conch some children came out of the jungle. At the end they were a group of 12 children, which was divided in two age-groups , the littluns and the biguns.
    The biguns are Jack, Ralph, Sam, Erich , Piggy, Maurice ,Roger and Simon.
    The littluns are Jonny, Bill, Percival, Henry and a boy who doesn,t know his name.
    After they had introduced themselves they decided who will be the chief of the group.
    The majority voted for Ralph. Jack was very unhappy, because he really wanted to be chief, so Ralph decided that he would be the leader of the hunters. After they had made sure that they were on an island they started making rules. There are two important rules. When Ralph is blowing the conch, he is calling for a meeting so everyone has to come to the conch[---] At a meeting, only the person with the conch in his hands is allowed to speak. From that time on the conch was a kind of talisman for the group. On the next day, they think about how they couldmake a ship become aware of them. They decided to climb up the mountain in the middle of the island and make a big fire up there. It would produce smoke and call attention of the island. Every day a group of three people had to go up the mountain to see if the fire was still burning. When they lit the fire for the first time, some burning trunks rolled down the mountain and inflamed a big area of jungle.
    Piggy got very angry and noticed that the boy who didn’t know his name wasn’t there.

    korrigiere bitte: rot muss ins Präsens, blau ins Perfekt gesetzt werden
