And why don't you use just a simple 's'?
Well, each language has its unique way of spelling; as a German I'd never put an upside down "^" above a "z" as you've done ; Spaniards put a ~ above an "n" to point out the "nasal" pronounciation, we have vowels like ä,ö,ü; the Danish cross out the "o" with a "/" and think of the French signs like `or ´or ^.
Why do you capitalize all nouns?
in old /medieval texts the monks and later the first printers did use these capital letters; when our way spelling was made obligatory in the 19th century this way of spelling was maintained.
The German words are much longer
I even could give you much longer examples, as there is:
"Mekkamuselmannenmassenmenschenmördermohrenmuttermarmormonumentenmacher" or
(Mark Twan, an American author, invented these words in order to make fun of the German language.)
We can read these, because we divide the words into sylllables and -- the syllable endings tell us when a new word in these long wordchains begins.
I was already in Berlin, Hanover, Hamburg and Munich.
watch out your use of tenses: In your sentence you didn't use a keyword such as "yesterday, last year, in 2011" etc which denotes the past tense. You should have written correctly: " I have already been in ..."