Beiträge von Kyo

    Jo wir haben die Hausaufgabe bekommen, aus dem Buch "Der Richter Und Sein Henker" die Straftaten Bärlachs aufzuschreiben und dann als Staatsanwalt eine Anklageschrift zu schreiben.

    Damit auch die helfen können, die das Buch nicht gelesen haben, hier sind die Straftaten:

    1. mehrfache Anstiftung zum Mord (Gastmann; Tschanz)
    2. treibt Tschanz zum Selbstmord
    3. gewährt dem Mörder freies Geleit (Tschanz)
    4. Justizbetrug an Dr. Lutz
    5. beauftragt unerlaubt Polizeiermittlungen
    6. Hausfriendensbruch in der Villa Gastmann
    7. behindert eigene Ermittlungen
    8. Diebstahl an Schmied (Mappe)

    Danke im Vorraus

    MfG Kyo

    Bill Gates


    1.His Early life
    3.His Personal life
    4.His House

    His Early Life

    William Henry „Bill“ Gates III was born on 28th October 1955 in Seattle. His father was called William H.Gates (lawyer) and his mother was called Mary Maxwell Gates [teacher]. Bill Gates has got 2 sisters: Kristianne Gates and Libby Gates.
    Bill Gates was very good in School, especially in Maths and science. When he was 13 years old he went to the private Lakeside School in Seattle. The student-mothers from the Lakeside School arranged a charity bazaar, that was normal in USA. With the proceedure they gave the pupils the chance, to have time with Computer. Computer-time was very expensive then. But the computers at that time were only calculators, very colossal and without a screen. They consisted of only a keyboard and a printer. The pupils played Tic-Tac-Toe with it. A Tic-Tac-Toe game normaly takes a few minutes. But with the Computer it takes a whole hour. Bill Gates wrote the Program for Tic-Tac-Toe by himself.
    Programing new programs for the Computer became very interesting for him.
    In 1969 when he was 14, he founded his first company, named 'Traf-O-Data' with Paul Allen. I will talk about Paul Allen a bit later. They engineered a system to detect the flow of traffic. They got 20.000 US-Dollars for that.
    In 1973 he went to the Harvard-University to study but he didn't concentrate much on studying. The most of the time he was in the computer room. In Harvard he also meet Steve Ballmer. Steve Ballmer is the follower of Bill Gates at Microsoft now.

    Bill Gates founded Microsoft in 1975 with Paul Allen. The first great outcome was, when he sold IBM the MS-DOS-System in 1981. In 1990 Microsoft Windows was made and the Office-Suite Microsoft Office that everyone use at school, at home or in their job. Since Januar 2000 the Chief Executive Officer has been Steve Ballmer. Bill Gates is only the chairman and the chief software architect. June 2006 Bill Gates announced, that he will leave his full-time job at Microsoft to concentrate more on his beneficence Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The last workday was the 27th June 2008.

    His Personal Life
    Bill Gates has been married with the software engineer Melinda French since 1994. He has got two daughters and one son with her
    daughter Jennifer Katharine Gates (*1996) and Phoebe Adele Gates (*2002) and son Rory John Gates (*1999)
    He lives with his family in Medina by Lake Washington near Seattle. The press doesn't hear much about him. But when he married in December 1993 the press hoped, that they could write little Storys about the party and stuff, but reporters weren't allowed at the marriage. His marriage was great. He flew with all the guests to the island Lanai near Hawaii. The richest men of the United State were invited, but none of them were Hollywood Stars.

    His House
    Bill Gates has got a spectacular and exceeding house. He calls his house Cyberhome. It is a 4.600m² big house on a 21.000m² land. This estate has got 7 bedrooms, 24 bathrooms, 6 kitchens,6 chimnies
    1.a 362 m² swimming pool
    2.a Fitness-Studio with sauna
    3.a boathouse
    4.a cinema
    5.a beach
    6.a garden
    7.bill gates' bureau
    8.a gatehouse
    9.a Stadium
    10.the living quarter
    11.the library
    12.a 585m² underground garage
    13.a underground guesthouse

    Hoffe das hat gehofen ^^
    Achte auf deine Zeiten!

    MfG Kyo

    Also, ein Dreieck ist ja, wenn man es genau betrachtet, ein halbes Quadrat, also ist die Formel dafür Grundseite mal Höhe ( a x h )

    Rechteck, ganz einfach: Länge mal Höhe ( a x h )

    Ein Trapez ist einfach ein Rechteck und 2 Dreiecke ^^

    MfG Kyo