ich schreibe bald eine Klausur zum Thema Cartoon-Beschreibung und möchte dafür üben. Das Bild kennt ihr zwar nicht, aber könntet ihr euch mal durchlesen ob das grammatikalisch richtig ist was ich geschrieben habe bzw es auch vernünftig klingt? Ich habe leider niemanden der mir dabei helfen kann, wäre euch echt dankbar! Gerne auch Verbessungsvorschläge machen.
Danke schon mal!
The illustration shows a man who is sitting alone in a room to watch surveillance screens. He is sitting in front of a desk with a book and a cup of coffee on it and there are nine surveillance screens in front of him. On the upper left-hand side there is a camera which is filming the man. The man is looking with a frightened look on his face/facial expression (was ist besser?) at the camera. The colors of the cartoon are black and blue.
The cartoon is ironic because the job of the man is to surveillance other people but he is observed himself. The cartoonist’s intention might be to criticize that nowadays there are surveillance cameras nearly everywhere and in the case of this cartoon the man is stressed by the fact that he is filmed by a camera. Instead of doing his job to monitor the screens he is focused about his observation.
I think the cartoon is easy to understand and I agree with the point the cartoonist is making, because I think that in places like offices shouldn’t be surveillance cameras.