Kann jemand bitte meinen Text korrigieren ?

  • wir müssen in Englisch einen Text schreiben, und meine Grammatik ist schlecht...
    Ich würde gerne den text vorlesen und brauche deswegen jemanden der ihn für mich korrigiert...

    Never give up
    Before the operation Marie was very good at sports. At the age of 12 she hat an accident. Now she hasn´t able to
    walk because the oparation on her back went wrong. Her doctor sugested her to go to gym and to try play
    basketball with her weelchair. She tryed to play basketball but she thinks tennis is more intressting then
    basketball. She decided to change her life and start play tannis. Now she is really good at tennis. Her
    big plans for the futur are to play on Wimbelton one day. Her motto is "Never give up" and dont think
    about you can´t because the most things you can do

  • At the age of 12 she had an accident. Ever since she hasn`t been able to walk because the operation of her back went wrong. Her doctor suggested her to go to the gym an to try to play basketball with her wheelchair. She tried to play basketball but she thought tennis is more interesting than basketball. So she decided to change her life and started to play tennis. Now she is really good at it. Her big plans for the future are to play on Wimbleton one day. Her saying ist "Never give up and never think anything is immposible because you are able to do more than you think"

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