
  • Hallo Freunde, ich muss zu morgen eine Rede halten und wollte mal jemanden bitten über meine Rede rüber zugucken ich brauch dringend eine gute note.
    Bin immer offen für verbesserungsvorschläge.

    "Keep the peace,
    „Israel successfully tests new missile defence system“
    “Israel has become accustomed to the Gaza War”
    “Israeli attack: is the 3. World war coming?”
    These are just a few headlines of newspaper articles from all over the world.
    Current is that the only thing you hear about Israel. Almost everyday the media reports about the destructive war, about people suffering, about people dying in this country.
    But all in all the opinions are different.
    Some people are on Israel’s side and t the same time they give a piece of information of a possible spread of the conflict to Europe.
    Others see the Israeli armed conflict as dangerous and see another World War coming.
    The situation in politics is also more than confusing. Germany and U.S.A see Israel in the role of the defender of freedom and democracy, while France and Russia adjudge the attack on Lebanon as an act of War.
    How stressed the situation is, can be recognized by the criticism of the Central Council of Jews in Germany to Walter Steinmeier, who sees the situation in Mideast as very critical.
    So as you can see the local conflict has skipped the boarders of the Arab world so far.
    Weather UN, G8 or the international community in General are worried about the World security.
    Is this already the crunch mode of the so called “clash of cultures”? In any case the chances are good for that.
    Iran and Syria have threatened with a devastating war long ago.
    If the conflict would spread, it would not be a happy ending. And then, especially Europe would be at the forefront, not only because of its direct neighbourhood and historical responsibility or any other relationships. The “enemy” would be among us. In a confrontation with Islam, Germany would have a three-million-fold problem in their own country.
    But how would you judge the situation in Israel, weather you know about the problems, or not?
    I have to admit the extend of the attacks exceed anything I have ever heard or seen before.
    To many innocent people- including children- died already.
    However Israel has a credible reason for this intervention: Not just since the armed conflict is the north of the country under attack of Lebanon.
    And because of that, building were destroyed, people lost their lives, were injured and homeless. The government of Lebanon can not or will not take action against this constant violence. Since Hezbollah is supported by other Arab states, talking does not help anymore and forcing people to behave differently never worked plus it is not possible.
    For a better understanding: imagine, Poland would attack Frankfurt. Houses are destroyed, people are killed and the polish government is doing nothing about it. They would not stop the terrorists. Imagine that! What would we ask for? And what would Germany do?
    It is the right of all human beings to live in safe place.
    If it can not, it has a right to self- defence. What we need is a world community.
    Ladies and Gentleman, the greatest challenge that the human race has ever faced is keeping peace so as a world community we have to find a solution to help the Mideast.
    Thank you."

  • Wie viele hier antworten. Wow das ist echt... wow.
    Tust mir richtig leid kann dir leider auch nicht weiter helfen.