Help! Briefe in Business English - Vielen Dank für Korrekturen

  • Hallo miteinander!

    Ich war wieder mal fleissig und habe als Prüfungsvorbereitung zwei Briefe geschrieben. Leider habe ich keine Ahnung, ob man das so formulieren kann! Hoffe, jemand hat Zeit, die Briefe kurz durchzusehen.

    Vielen, vielen Dank!

    Dear Mr Davis,

    Please accept my apologies for the delay in submitting the sales report. The hold-up is due to the current negotiations with our new supplier.

    I could finalise the report until next Tuesday, 15 November, midday.

    Yours sincerely,
    Amanda White

    Dear Ms Lambert,

    Thank you for your reply regarding the Business Management course.

    There will be five senior officers attending the course.

    Unfortunately, I am not able to announce our preferred training date yet. This is on account of holiday plans which should be discussed with their families by two of the five participants.

    Could you let me know if you can give us any discounts, please?

    I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Yours sincerely,
    Tim Knopf