Referat über Snowdonia - Nationalpark

  • Hallo,

    ich muss in Englisch ein Referat über den Snowdonia - Nationalpark halten.
    Zum einen wollte ich fragen, was es in diesem Park denn für Sehenswürdigkeiten gibt? Im Internet habe ich dazu nicht wirklich was gefunden.
    Und dann wäre es toll, wenn mir jemand sagen könnte, ob das, was ich bisher vorbereitet habe, so passt (das Referat soll etwa fünf Minuten dauern):
    The Snowdonia National Park is located in the north of Wales.
    It's famous for the great mountains there and it's a popular destination für tourists. The name is deduced by Snowdon, the highest hill in Wales. Snowdon is 1085m high.
    The Snowdnia National Park is 2170km² big and it's the three - biggest National Park in Great Britain. Snowdonia belongs to the three National Parks in Wales and seventy percents of it are privat property.
    In the park live 26.000 people who farm and Millions of tourists come to it every year.
    The Snowdonia Park is the third - popularst national park in England and Wales and it's divided into six parts:
    The Snowdon Range are six mountains near Snowdon.
    The hills in the west part of Snowdonia are called the Hebog Range.
    The Carneddau are the mountains in the north which proceed from the coast to Bethesda.
    The monutains which proceed from north - west to south - west between the Carneddau and the Snowdon are called the Glydera.
    The Moelwyn Range and the Siabod Range are the axis of the two mountain groups at the eatserly boundary of the park.

    Danke schonmal im Voraus.