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    What should a perfect partner be like?

    Hey students, I bet many of you've seen the film 'Juno'. It deals with the question of a perfect partner. I think everyone should ask themselves the question of the headline before getting together with a boy or a girl. I think it's very important that you not just look at the attractivity of people. You should look in the inside of a person. People who aren't that good looking can have a really nice character, that may fits to you. But also people who look pretty good can be very mean and rude too. For me it's really important that partners spend enough time together. Because if one or both of them are really busy and hard working, they would probably never got time for each other. I wouldn't like that. My partner should be smart, honest and got a good sense of humour. For me it would be ok, if my partner is shy or a bit lazy and i would accept and love her for what she is. What should a partner be like for you? Last but not least I have to say that me and my partner should always have something to talk about . Because in my opinon it can't be a good relationship, if you're just speaking a few words with your partner all day and never got any topics to talk about. Probably you should search for a partner who shares the same interests as you, so you got many things to talk and laugh about. What a good partner never should do is cheat on you. You should break up with him or her immediatly. Think about what's important for a partner to you and don't fall in love with anyone just because the person is good looking.