Einmal drüber schauen - Summary

  • Hey Leute,
    ich habe mal ein Summary geschrieben und würd mich freuen, wenn ihr euch das mal anschauen würdet und mir sagen könntet, was gut und was weniger gut ist, was ich ändern sollte und was ich beibehalten sollte. :razz:

    Vielen Dank :smile:

    Summary - Slam

    The excerpt from "Slam" by Nick Hornby is about Sam's reaction, when his girlfriend Alicia tells him that she is pregnant.
    On Sam's birthday he gets a text message from Alicia and he actually knows why she is texting him. He is very contemplatively and isn't acting his age. Alicia wants to meet him and then they arranges to meet at Starbucks. Sam is really unsettled and Alicia tells him that she is late.