Einmal Durchgucken...?

  • My name is ... and I'm 16 years old. I was born on the ..th of ... in Hamburg. Since 2006 I visit the ... School and I going to finish the School in 2014.
    I live near the centre and the “...” were I mostly spend my freetime by meeting with friends or joging.
    In addition I like watching movies and listen to rock, house or electro music.
    I also also enjoy playing football and surfing in the internet.
    Because I’m a very creative person I like it to read and especisally to draw.
    My favorite subjects in school are PGW ( politic, society and economic) and mathematic.
    After I finished school I want to study law at the faculty of law which is really close to my place.

    In circa 50 years ... will still be one of the most important Emporiums of the world. ... also will be the known as European Green Capital.
    In particular the harbor will still be a trans-shipment centre for ships from all over the world.
    In 1911 the first “....” was opened. Another very important occasion was that the first U-Bahn was opened in February 1912 and comprises three lines with a length of 101 km (63 mi) till 2006. In addition to that the Laeiszhalle was inaugurated and the university was founded.

    Könntet ihr bitte einmal durchlesen wo ich Fehler gemacht habe bzw. was ihr verbessern würdet?
    Danke im Vorraus reet

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von reet (15. September 2012 um 23:07)

  • My name is ... and I'm 16 years old. I was born on the ..th of ... in Hamburg. Since 2006 I visit the ... School and I going to finish the School in 2014.
    I live near the centre and the “...” were I spend my free time mostly meeting friends or joging.
    In addition, I like watching movies and listen to rock, house or electro music.
    Furhtermore, I enjoy playing football and surfing in the internet.
    Since I’m a very creative person I like it to read and especisally to draw.
    My favorite subjects in school are PGW ( politic, society and economic) and mathematic.
    After I finished school I want to study law at the university close to my place.
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________

    In circa 50 years ... will still be one of the most important Emporiums of the world. ... also will be the known as European Green Capital.
    In particular the harbor will still be a trans-shipment centre for ships from all over the world.
    In 1911 the first “....” was opened. Another very important occasion was that the first U-Bahn was opened in February 1912 and comprises three lines with a length of 101 km (63 mi) till 2006. In addition to that the Laeiszhalle was inaugurated and the university was founded.

    Könntet ihr bitte einmal durchlesen wo ich Fehler gemacht habe bzw. was ihr verbessern würdet?