If someone asks me what I connect with Germany, I immediately think of beer and soccer. In the following essay I will explain in more detail what Germany means for me and what characteristics I connect it with. The country is characterized by breathtaking landscapes, it is culturally responsive and the crime rate is in comparison to other countries very low. There are many advantages offered by the country itself. I find, for example, that the tolerance of people in Germany is more pronounced than in other countries, Germany is a welfare state, a parliamentary democratic republic, there are health insurance, social assistance and unemployment benefits. I would also like to mention that there is no participation in the war in Iraq.
Ich bin noch nicht weiter gekommen, aber es wäre nett, wenn mir jemand sagen könnte, was ich bisher alles falsch gemacht habe. Wir sollen ein Essay schreiben, wo wir erklären, was Deutschland für uns bedeutet. Bisher habe ich nur die Vorteile genannt, aber ehrlich gesagt, fällt mir nicht viel ein. Also es wäre lieb, wenn ihr mir helfen könntet.