Write six questions that you would like to ask Susan Roberts about why she doesn’t want to move to America.
1.Is it too dangerous and violent for you in America?
2.Don’t you like the food there, because it is unhealthy?
3.Are you afraid of the flight?
4.Don`t you like the city or big city life?
5.Is it too loud for you there, e.g. through the traffic or the many people?
6.Do you like the environment is not there?
Imagine that you are telling someone what you asked Susan. Write the questions in reported speech, e.g. “ I asked Susan…..”
1.I asked Susan if it’s dangerous and violent for her in Ameri-ca.
2.I asked Susan if she don’t likes the food there, because it is unhealthy.
3.I asked Susan if she`s afraid of the flight.
4.I asked Susan if she don’t likes the city or big city life.
5.I asked her if it is too loud there, e.g. through the traffic or the many people.
6.I asked Susan if she liked that the environment is not there.
Meine Frage ob ich es so schreiben kann oder ob fehler drinne sind, wenn ja ich bin für alle vorschläge offen. Danke euch