Hi, wie oben beschrieben bräuchte ich dringend von euch Hilfe, da ich sehr schlecht englisch kann.
Ich muss ein Comment schreiben dazu habe ich 2 Materialien die ich in dem Comment erwähne.
Hier nun der comment:
Today there is a lot of discussion about the bullying by teeneger gangs.
The young gangs who terrorize other kids or families, this was a serious problem today.
Firstly the cartoon show us tht parents who speak with her children don´t right controlling them.
The result is that the children don´t know what is right and what is wrong.
Secondly the members bullying other pupils in the class and then they make terror in the school.
This is a big problem in our society.
Finally a new bullying is, cyber-byllying.
Sites how facebook or youtube are the best alternative for cyber-bullying.
In chat-rooms we can writting all what we want.
In my opinion, I think bullying is a serious problem for us.
Parents and teacher must speak with the teenagers about their problems.
Vielen Danke im vorraus...;-)