Englisch Report Korrektur

  • Hey liebe Englisch Forum Gemeinde!
    Ich muss als englisch hausaufgabe einen report über einen vergangene klassenreise anfertigen. Ich habe mein Bestes gegeben aber es wäre echt nett wenn ihr mich eventuell auf ein paar fehler aufmerksam machen würdet :)
    Vielen dank im vorraus!

    Report On Year 6 Trip To Tenerife

    Tenerife was a trip for those who enjoy nature, the night sky, astronomy, hiking and for those who wanted to discover one of the Canary Islands in an alternative way. We learned a lot about tourism, culture, astronomy, nature, volcanism and geography. We all had great expectation and those were all greatly exceeded.

    Travelling arrangements

    In comparison to other Year 6 Trips, travelling to Tenerife was quite uncomplicated and comfortable. On Saturday the 21st of April, we all met at 10:30pm at the bus station of the European School to get ready for a 2h ride to Brussels Airport. From there we took a plane to Tenerife and made an intermediate landing in Fuerteventura. After approximately 5h flying we arrived at the airport. From there on we went by bus to our Hotel “Westhaven Bay” at the Costa del Silencio. The return journey on Saturday the 28th was similar, however without a stopover. After an exhausting flight with turbulences and a bus ride we arrived at Luxemburg at 6:00am on Sunday morning.

    Accommodation / Food

    Our Accommodation in “Westhaven Bay” was very beautiful and convenient. We were living in large terraced housing with 2 sleeping rooms, 2 bath rooms, a kitchen, a large living room and a balcony with sea view. The hotel was situated right to the ocean. There was also a modern gym and a swimming pool.
    Every morning there was a large buffet with fresh marmalade, bread and fruits which we all enjoyed. Every noontime we got 5€ from the teachers and due to the cheap prices in Tenerife we all got saturated. In the evening there was a buffet as well with every imaginable delicious desserts. Overall the food and accommodation were very satisfying.


    On Sunday we arrived late at our hotel. We unpacked our baggage, appraised the environment and our housing and looked forward to an amazing trip.

    Monday was our very first day in Tenerife. We met at 9:00am and talked about astronomy and the following days. Afterwards we visited the “Basilica of Candelaria”, a Roman Catholic minor basilica and went to the beautiful beach “Playa de las Teresitas”. Adding to this we visited a small science museum.

    On Tuesday we visited another city and hiked through the breathtaking land of the island. The environment on Tenerife is very alternating. Beside a wonderful pine forest, we walked through different volcanic structures and even a lava flow. At night we set out for a 2500m high plateau to observe the infinite starry sky.

    On Wednesday we returned to the 2500m high plateau to hike some more. From there we saw the highest mountain of Tenerife and even Spain – “Pico del Teide”. With 3,718-metre high summit it is the third highest volcano in the world measured from its base on the ocean floor.

    Thursday was the most arduous and longest hiking day. We walked 800 meters in altitude in 2h through the canyon of Masca to a wonderful beach. There we could choose between staying at the beach and return by boat or walking back.

    On Friday the cooking contest took place. Every house should prepare a starter, a main course or a dessert for the teachers, who were the jury. Since it was quite difficult to purchase fancy ingredients, our house decided to prepare chocolate bananas with candied ginger and mojitos for dessert. Luckily the jury found our meal very delicious. The rest of the day most of us lay at the pool and had fun.

    Saturday was our last day. We packed our luggage and spent our last day tanning and laying at the pool.


    We mostly spent our nights having small parties in our house, watching football or at a karaoke bar. The karaoke bar was about 1km from our hotel away. There we sang songs, danced and met different people from England, Germany or tourists from Spain. At the last night, the teachers joined us and we all sang together.


    The weather on the Canary Islands was nearly perfect. Even though the weather was quite unsettled it was mostly sunny and hot. The temperatures were, depending on where we were, roughly 20-25°C.


    The Teachers and the group as one was one reason that made the trip unforgettable.
    Mrs. Putseys, Mrs. Demessemaeker, Mr. Coussens and our guide Wärner showed us the wonderful site of Tenerife. Their tolerance, humor and commitment were an enrichment for us all.
    In total we were approximately 34 people.

    All together, the Year 6 Trip to Tenerife was an unforgettable journey through the wide lands of Tenerife, astronomy and friendship. We hiked, swam, cooked, observed, drank, sang, laughed and celebrated all together as a group. We were enriched with different culinary food, knowledge and the culture of Tenerife.

    We had great expectation and those were all greatly exceeded.