Opinion Essay
Let the smokers alone
Since years there is this discussion going on about smokers and non smokers about allowing smoking in open areas or not. Better then the discussion about what speeches for and against smoking in puplic area my questions are: The evidence is clear, passive smoking increases health problems in several areas. Isn‘ t the Job of of the politiciens to protect the health of every citizen ? What can non smokers do to defend themselve against dammage from passive smoking ?
More and more peopel have health problems with their lung these days. There is a common link between the increase of health problems especially with the lung and passive smoking. Smoking causes damage to health, it is an proven fact. The Job of government is also to protect the health of his citizens. There is also a self intrest for the government in protecting the health of his citizens, the healthcare cost would decrease and they would have more money to spend in other areas. Instead, healthcare costs explodes and increases year after year.
Non smokers must protect themselves from passive smoking. There is a proven link between passive smoking and increasing lung problems. ( and the increase of lung problems ? ). Nowdays they have only one option, to leave. In some areas they dont have that option either. Some nonsmokers have to accept burden of smoke in their job or also ( oder nur also ) in their free time. For example, most oft he discos have no non smoking areas. Peoples health is getting burden by this. There should be non smoker areas for non smokers. Discos should have non smoker areas to protect non smokers from smokers.
It is clear to me that non smokers must be protected better. The government must create and realease laws to ( for protecting ) protect his citizens from smoke and the damage of it. The Government would profit from this also because they would have decrease the cost of healthcare. Lungcancer cases would go down. Last of all non smoker should protect themselve in not accepting circumstances in which they are unter smoke burden.
Wäre nett wenn ihr mal drüber schaut und mir tipps gibt und auf meine Fehler hinweist.