Distinction between information/knowledge and wisdom. HELP ME PLS

  • Hallo, könnt ihr mir bitte helfen. Die Aufgabe steht eigentlich schon im Thementitel und hier ist der Text dazu:
    The result is that the same generation is in danger of growing up with 170 terabytes of knowledge and information, but more than a few bits of wisdom. The challenge for the next generation of parents, educationists and thinkers will, therefore, not be the dissemination of information, but to change the way people differentiate between information and wisdom. Indeed the lines that divide the two have been blurred so much that information is often confused as wisdom.

    Bitte helft mir. Wäre echt nett von euch!!!;)

  • And what exactly are you supposed to do? Write a summary, an explanation, an essay anything else?

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