
  • 1.please complete the sentence with for and since and the follwing verbs.


    a.scheila_______at the job centre________five months.
    b.she________in clarence road____she moved here.
    c.she_________German______two years.
    d.Michael_________an electrician_________he left school.
    e.colin__________at univercity______four years now.
    f.Mrs Davenport___________work again__________april.

    2.please write a letter from scheila to her friend judith in scotland.please include all the following points:

    a.sie schreibt am 21.06.2004
    b.sie bedankt sich für den letzten brief
    c.sie hat ihn vor 3wochen bekommen
    d.hier gibt es nicht viel zu tun
    e.sie freut sich,alle im august zu sehen
    f.sie erzählt,dass sie michael kennengelernt hat
    g.sie erzählt,dass michael eine shcwester hat,carol,die gerade angefangen hat zu studieren und die sehr nett ist
    h.sie erzählt,dass sie nach oxford gezogen ist
    i.dass carol und steve sie letzte woche eingeladen hatten
    j.sie erzählt,dass sie viele dinge unternehmen möchte,wenn sie zurück in schottland ist
    k.sie erzählt,dass sie michael mitbringen möchte,wenn genug platz ist
    l.sie lädt judith ein,sie in chesterfield zu besuchen
    m.sie beendet den brief und lässt alle grüßen.

    3.fill in since and for

    a.i haven't been at the theatre____________a year.
    _________my bithday.

    b.she has been a secretary_______________sh left school.
    ____________five years.

    c.he has been enthusiastic about tennis___________he saw a match in Wimbledon.
    _________last year.

    d.she hasn't phoned her friend____________yesterday.

  • a.sheila___worked____at the job centre____for____five months.
    b.she____lives____in clarence road__since__she moved here.
    c.she_____learns____German___since___two years.
    d.Michael____was_____an electrician____since_____he left school.
    e.colin_____studies_____at univercity___for___four years now.
    f.Mrs Davenport_____started______work again_____since_____april.

    Dear Judith,
    first, I want to thank you for your last letter.
    I received it 3 weeks ago, and I really enjoyed hearing from you.
    There's not much to do here.
    I'm looking forward to see you all in August.
    I met a man named Michael.
    He has a sister, Carol, who has just started studying, and who's very nice.
    By the way, I've moved to Oxford.
    Carol and Steve invited me last week.
    When I'm back to Scotland, I want to do many things.
    I want to bring Michael with me if there's enough space for us.
    And I'd like to invite you to visit me in Chesterfield.

    Best regards,

    3.fill in since and for

    a.i haven't been at the theatre______for______a year.
    ____since_____my bithday.

    b.she has been a secretary_______since________she left school.
    _____for_______five years.

    c.he has been enthusiastic about tennis_____since______he saw a match in Wimbledon.
    ____since_____last year.

    d.she hasn't phoned her friend______since______yesterday.

    Hoffe, ich konnte dir helfen.
    Liebe Grüße!

  • ja danke suppie nett von dir...hast mir sehr geholfen...brauche nur noch ein paar texte jetzt machen...aber ich glaub die pack ich selber!