
  • 1.please write questions. ask for the words in bold print.

    a.the inspector has talked to the driver of the jaguar.


    b.colin has gone home already.


    c.Mr davenport hasn't bought any groceries because he has forgotten it.


    d.but he has reserved a table in a very fashionable restaurant.


    2.pelase complete with short answer.

    a.Has mr davenport bought the groceries?no,_____________.

    b.has the policeman asked many questions?yes,_______.

    c.have colin and michael bought a new toaster?no,________.

    d."colin,have you got a lot of money?" "no,I_________.

    e."sheila,have we really told the policeman everything?" Yes,we______.

    f.Has carol already told mrs davenport about the accident? no,_______.

    g."steve,have we already bought everything for the party tonight?"

    3.was sagen sie,wenn sie

    a)...fragen wollen,ob ihr mann/ihre frau für morgen schon alles eingekauft hat?

    b)...sagen wollen,dass sie es leider vergessen haben?

    c)...fragen wollen,ob ihr mann/ihre frau das obst schon gekauft hat?

    d)... sagen wollen,dass sie es gerade eben gekauft haben?

    e)... sagen wollen,dass sie einen tisch im restaurant bestellt haben und das sie mrs browns geburtstag ganz vergessen haben.

    4.imagine you are a radio reporter at the scene of an accedient.write a short report(about 100 words)about what has just happend.use the present perfect.

    Start like this:

    This ist John Taylor,BBC news we are at the scene of an accident.

    bitte helft mir!wäre echt nett von euch chattern.[/b]

  • 1.)

    a.the inspector has talked to the driver of the jaguar.
    - Who has talked to the driver of the Jaguar?

    b.colin has gone home already.
    - Who has gone home already?

    c.Mr davenport hasn't bought any groceries because he has forgotten it.
    Why hasn't Mr. Davenport bought any groceries?

    d.but he has reserved a table in a very fashionable restaurant.
    - Where has he reserved a table


    a.Has mr davenport bought the groceries?no,_____________.
    - No, he hasn't

    b.has the policeman asked many questions?yes,_______.
    - Yes, he has.

    c.have colin and michael bought a new toaster?no,________.
    - No, they haven't.

    d."colin,have you got a lot of money?" "no,I_________.
    - No, I haven't

    e."sheila,have we really told the policeman everything?" Yes,we______.
    - Yes, we have.

    f.Has carol already told mrs davenport about the accident? no,_______.
    - No, she hasn't

    g."steve,have we already bought everything for the party tonight?"
    - Yes, we have.


    a)...fragen wollen,ob ihr mann/ihre frau für morgen schon alles eingekauft hat?
    - Have you already bought everything for tomorrow?

    b)...sagen wollen,dass sie es leider vergessen haben?
    - No, I'm sorry, I've forgotten it.

    c)...fragen wollen,ob ihr mann/ihre frau das obst schon gekauft hat?
    - Have you already bought the fruit?

    d)... sagen wollen,dass sie es gerade eben gekauft haben?
    - Yes, I've just bought it.

    e)... sagen wollen,dass sie einen tisch im restaurant bestellt haben und das sie mrs browns geburtstag ganz vergessen haben.
    - I've reserved a table in the restaurant, and I have forgotten Mrs. Browns birthday.

    4.imagine you are a radio reporter at the scene of an accedient.write a short report(about 100 words)about what has just happend.use the present perfect.

    Start like this:

    This ist John Taylor,BBC news we are at the scene of an accident.

    - sorry, aber dafür bin ich zu faul. Kannst du ja selber schreiben.
    Musst halt die W-Fragen alle beantworten (wo, wie, wer, was, wann, warum)...
