Hallo, ich habe einen Text über arrangierte Hochzeiten schreiben müssen und bin nun fertig geworden, zweifle aber daran, dass alles richtig ist. Ich musste mir sehr oft das Wörterbuch zur Hand nehmen und diverse Wörter nachschlagen..
An arranged marriage has always advantages and drawbacks. Each has his own opinion over an arranged marriage. I think when can choose my partner self, I would me feel save. What I find also good, one can become acquainted longer and better. It would be also embarrassing for my view, when my Father some People invited to search a partner for my life. On the other Hand the partnerships, where the parents search the partner hold longer as a usually marriage. Another good site of an arranged marriage is that the parents can help and assist you and the parents have more long pedigree. The bad thing in it is, that the fact that own taste does not count. The danger is that risk to spend your life with a person you don´t love. I think everybody should select to themselves his own partner whom he also loves really. Because the cultures are different and do not know it differently is for me OK. Still I would not let with myself make!