Ich bin durch Zufall auf dieses Forum gestoßen, und würde euch bitten diesen kurzen Text Korrektur zu lesen. Für jegliche Verbesserungsvorschläge wäre ich wirklich sehr dankbar
Mein Versuch :
During my schooldays I was a mediator and tutor,which meant to me a fulfilling complement to the daily routine. I could learn in this time of the children a lot like to shut impartially, curiously and openly to new things.Besides, it gave to me incredibly a lot of pleasure to put something on the legs together with many different characters and to let in me over and over again anew on it and to motivate. Meanwhile I look for a new possibility to ??anzuknüpfen??, to this time which I miss a lot. For a longer period and in unknown surroundings it would be very nice job of which I am already persuaded now that I could grow in it. Briefly:A give and take on both sides – it simply gives pleasure!
Vielen lieben Dank schonmal!