Hallo Leute! Ich soll folgende Satzteile zu einem sinnvollen Satz zusammenfügen. Könnt Ihr mal bitte drüberschauen, ob ich alles richtig habe? Danke euch!
1. Bob and Helen are the people in the department,which buisness card I gave you so that you could buy some things for the office.
2. This is the challange,who have the highest qualifications and the most experience.
3. What´s the name of the company, who send a application to?
4. I work in a team, which works well together and therefore usually gets good results.
5. She´s a secretary, which I been waiting for for years.
6. Is Katrin the woman, which speak excellent English.
7. Pete Churchill is the supperlier, who boss is retiring today.
8. Claire and Amadine are our colleagues from France, who comes from Germany?