Cartoon,Graph (pie,bar,line chart) Des. (Bitte um Hilfe)

  • Ich soll für meine Englisch Schulaufgabe am Dienstag :( eine cartoon description, sowie einen linegraph, pie-und barchart, vorbereiten.
    vlt. kann ja jemand mal kurz drüber lesen und mir tipps geben. vielen dank :freu:

    Pie chart:
    Introduction: The pie chart shows how a young woman called Tomoko and the way how she spends her money.
    Overview: There a four groups with regard to the percentage at which different ways she spends her money.
    Description: 15% from her income she spends on clothes. The same amount she spends on entertainment. This group is followed with 10% more on study materials and
    almost double she spends on her rent and food with the amount of 45% from her income.
    Interpretation: It is obvious when you put in in groups that the rent and food needs her most money. If you put all together apart of the rent and food it is almost fifty fifty.


    Line graph:
    Introduction: The line graph chart points out Harry`s annual sales of hamburgers in thousands.
    Overview: The main view is between January and December and how the sales are in- and decrease.
    Description: In January he sales 2000 burgers its nearly the same till March. But after March it slightly decrease till 1700 in May.
    Till June there is a slightly increase until a massive rise followed till August. Before it goes back down in October to 1200 burgers.
    Interpretation: It is obvious that Harry`s sells the most burgers during the summer time. It`s might be a reason from the god weather
    and the people which are coming out of there homes.


    Bar chart:
    Introduction: The bar chart points out the Annual per capita CO2 emissions in tonnes between 1980 and 2004.
    Overview: The main view is between the countries USA, China, Europe and Africa. The bar chart shows that there hasn’t been an obvious development between
    the years in a country.
    Description: Africa is with about one tonne is the country with the lowest emissions, followed by china, the only country which has consequently increased the emissions
    during the years, started with 2 and ends by 4 tonnes. Europe is on the third place with roundabout 9 tonnes, more than double as high are the united states
    with more than 20 tonnes.
    Interpretation: It is obvious that each country hasn’t changed the CO2 emissions, which have serious consequences for our world environment.


    Cartoon Description:
    Introduction: The cartoon is dealing with the situation of global warming.
    Description: In the picture are two men in business suites sitting behind a desk. There is a speech bubble above the one one the left hand side which says:
    “OUR PRODUCTS ARE CONTRIBUTING TO GLOBAL WARMING”. In the speech bubble above the other one on the right hand side says:
    “A WARMER PLANET MEANS MORE FRIDGE SALES!”. Except of the speech bubble the man is holding a statistic shed.
    Interpretation: The cartoonist probably wants to point out that business people don’t care about the current situation of global warming.
    In fact they are more interested in selling their products and getting profit.