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    Shopping habits

    Shopping itself is a complicated task. It is the never-ending saga of trying to find the right article at the right price and at the right time. Now with that said, going shopping is amazing. Nothing is more thrilling than buying a new gadget or a new pair of shoes. Yes, this is a contradiction of thought.

    On the one hand shopping is enjoyable and almost therapeutic. For example, if you didn’t have a good year or failed an exam or didn’t get the job you interviewed for. The positive effect of shopping gives you a feeling of fulfilment that makes you feel very good in general and even so it lets you forget your disappointment at the first place. The acquisition of a new item - be it clothing, shoes, accessories, even something for leisure time activity is exciting. It is super-addictive and it really can distract you from your current problems. Sometimes it isn’t that important whether you buy something or not. It is just a matter of being out of the house with friends or alone to get rid off the blues.
    Of course, purchasing a new item provides temporary relief. It doesn’t solve the main issue which was making you upset in the beginning.

    On the other hand shopping doesn’t work as a cure for everybody. If you are one of those people – I, personally, belong to them – who just start to sweat profusely and feel anxious when they see the crowds and would give their life to get out of the store, shopping can be frustrating and fatiguing for those. Maybe it is a girl thing. Lots of girls love shopping for clothes, purses, shoes and accessories. Window shopping is for example just made for them. They walk in and out of stores to see what they have. They try on clothes they have been looking for a long time. It is just the best entertainment for many of them.

    Fortunately, now boys can take advantages of shopping, too, because of the advent of computers and the internet which has changed the way lots of things are done these days. Internet shopping is an example for this and while in days gone by shopping meant getting ready, going out to the local mall, fighting traffic, finding a parking spot, facing the terrible crowds and figuring out what you want to buy, which brand you want to get these days internet shopping can be done from within the comfort of your own home with a flurry of fingers on the keys.

    All in all, I would say, although, shopping is the best way to get rid off your problems shopping should be done for necessities only and not for luxury items or for the latest styles or fads that you may never even use. These products often have a short life and are quickly replaced. Especially, don’t fall victim to the enjoyment that you’ve had shopping. Shopping could become a disorder when you do it too much and end up having bills not being paid.

  • Especially, don’t fall victim to the enjoyment that you’ve had shopping. --------besser: Most importantly, don't become a victim of bad shopping habits. Oder: Be aware of not falling into the trap of the short-lived excitement when shopping for stuff.

    and end up having bills not being paid ----- besser: and end up having bills you cannot pay.