Text bar chart *kontrollieren*

  • Huhu

    Die Aufgabe war ein bestimmtes Balkendiagramm zu die weltgrößten Kakao Produzenten zu analysieren und das hier ist mein Text.
    Lieb wäre es , wenn ihr die grammatikalischen Fehler verbessern würdet.

    Mein Text:

    The subject of the bar chart is "The World´s Largest Producers of Cocoa (1994-1999)". Of course you can also say that the bar chart deals with information about the production of cocoa in the period of 1994-1999 with absolute figures. The bar chart comes from Fischer Weltalmanach and was puplished in 2002. Onthe horizontal axis is to see how much tons of cocoa is produced and on the vertical axis is to see the countries, who produces the cocoa. There are Brazil , Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Malaysia and Indonesia. In the bar chart are two different colored bar, blue and green. The blue bar shows the production in 1994, the green bar shows the production in 1999, so that we can find out whether the production has changed till 1999 from the seperate countries. In 1999 the world largest producer of cocoa was Ivory Coast with 117000 tons and Malaysia produces with 160.000 tons the least from the five world largest producers of cocoa. From 1994 to 1999 Brazil, Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria have increased their production on cocoa, particularly Ivory Coast and Indonesia. Malaysia has remained constant, Brazil reduced their production till 1999. Ivory Coast as the world´s largest producer of cocoa, their economy is largely market based and depends heavily on the agricultural sector. Almost 70% of the Ivorian people are engaged in some form of agricultural activity.

    Danke für eure hilfen.

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