Sätze zum Korrigieren :)

  • Hoi :)
    könnte mir bitte jemand mal kurz über diese Sätze drüberschauen ob sie grammatikalisch korrekt sind?

    There will be still misunderstandings but she really hopes nothing like that will ever to them again.
    There the people used to leave their doors open because there was nothing worth stealing but there were not so many criminals, too.
    It really annoys him that always the people who he likes best die in the films he watches.
    Losing a beloved person is one of the worst things which can happen to you.
    She never felt sorry for him.
    Until then I had always had the feeling there were not any friendships between them.
    Memories cannot only but also help to get over whatever had happened to you.
    She believes he would feel even sorrier.
    It will not bring her back to life if he insists on the opposite.
    Perhaps he wanted Ellen to write about what had happened to her because he thought it will help her to break with the past.
    Members of the richer social classes should also read her essay because she intended that people see things with different eyes.

  • 1 - Hier wäre ein anderes Modalverb besser, z.B. "could" oder "might".
    2 - Adverbien können nicht einfach an einer beliebigen Stelle stehen. "Always" gehört zu den Adverbien, die im Prädikat stehen müssen.
    3 - Cannot only WAS? Da fehlt eindeutig etwas.
    4 - WEM helfen? Hier fehlt die Person.
    5 - Would ist die Simple-Past-Form von will, die lediglich die Aufgabe des Subjunctive übernimmt. Deshalb kann es hier nicht direkt mit einem Simple Present kombiniert werden.
    6 - Hier gilt das gleiche wie bei 5, allerdings bestimmt hier "thought" die Zeitform. Denn das "would help" ist "thought" von der Bedeutung her untergeordnet.
    7 - "Come to terms" fände ich sinnvoller.

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  • Erstmal danke für die Antwort!

    Bei 3 und 4 wollte ich eigentlich schreiben "Memories cannot only hurt but also help you to get over whatever had happened to you."

    mfg Unregistriert