summary a pair of jeans korrektur bitte

  • A pair of jeans:
    The story takes place in Northern England and is about a young woman called Miriam and her arranged marriage with Farook. At the beginning Miriam comes home from a hiking tour with her friends, at the same moment her parents-in-law, Ayab and Begum, arrive for a visit. Miriam has not time to change clothes so she appears in her western clothes, which are generous, in front of the parents-of-law. Miriam’s mother Fatima remarks the strange situation. Miriam feels ashamed and change clothes in her room. Once she enters the living room a pressed atmosphair reigns. After a short time the parents-in-law go home without talk about the preparations of marriage. Later Ayab, the father-in-law, make clear that he cannot bear Miriam as daughter-in-law any longer and please his wife Begum to speak with Miriam’s mother about canceling the arrangement. Begum regrets the decision of Ayab but does not offer resistance. When Miriam comes to know that the parents-in-law want cancel the marriage she throws her jeans to the ground. In the newer version from 2004 Miriam offer resistance by calling Farook and please him for a meet.

    Miriam is an attractive young Pakistani woman, she studies geography at the university. She has an arranged marriage with Farook but she has no problem to accept her parents’ marriage arrangement for her. They got to know before two years ago and are now engaged to be married. Miriam is living between two cultures. On the one side is she integrated in modern western world but on the other side she must hold the Muslim traditions. She insists that she is the same person in jeans as in sari. Normally she cope with the role changes but as she met her later parents-in-law she remarks that the western clothes are inopportune in pakistanti culture so she feels ashamed.

  • A pair of jeans:
    The story takes place in Northern England and is about a young woman called Miriam and her arranged marriage with Farook. At the beginning Miriam comes home from a hiking tour with her friends. At the same moment her parents-in-law, Ayab and Begum, arrive for a visit. Miriam has not have time to change clothes so she appears in her western clothes, which are more revealing than their traditional clothing1, in front of the parents-in-law. Miriam’s mother Fatima remarks the strange situation. Miriam feels ashamed and changes clothes in her room. Once she enters the living room a pressed atmosphair reigns.2 After a short time the parents-in-law go home without speaking about the preparations of marriage. Later Ayab, the father-in-law, makes clear that he cannot bear Miriam as daughter-in-law any longer and asks4 his wife Begum to speak with Miriam’s mother about canceling the arrangement. Begum regrets the decision of Ayab but does as she is told3. When Miriam comes to know that the parents-in-law want to cancel the marriage she throws her jeans to the ground. In the newer version from 2004 Miriam calls3 Farook and asks4 him for a meeting.

    Miriam is an attractive young Pakistani woman, she studies geography at university. Her marriage with Farook has been arranged5 but she has no problem to accept her parents’ marriage arrangement for her. They got to know two years ago6 and are now engaged to be married. Miriam is living between two cultures. On the one side is she integrated in the modern western world but on the other side she must hold7 the Muslim traditions. She insists that she is the same person in jeans as in a sari. Normally she can cope with the role changes but when she meets her parents-in-law to-be she remarks8 that the western clothes are inopportune in pakistanti culture so she feels ashamed.

    1 - Sinnvoll ist hier die Bedeutung "freizügig", die ich diesem Adjektiv aber gar nicht abgewinnen kann. Wenn ich von Kleidung höre, dass sie "generous" ist, dann würde ich das für Klamotten halten, die ein paar Nummern größer sind, als nötig. Die Verwendung von "revealing" allein fände ich aber ebenfalls unpassend.

    2 - Den Satz verstehe ich so nicht wirklich

    3 - Im ersten Vorkommen ergibt "offer resistance" zwar noch mehr Sinn als im zweiten, aber es passt bei keinem der beiden wirklich gut.

    4 - Es gibt kein Verb "plea" auf Englisch.

    5 - Ob sie eine Hochzeit "hat" steht ja noch gar nicht fest.

    6 - Das Wort "ago" bedeutet bereits vor.

    7 - Ich kann es nicht korrigieren, weil ich die beabsichtigte Aussage nicht kenne, aber so ist es falsch.

    8 - Sie sagt das? Oder meinst du etwas anderes?

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