Könnte jemand bitte korrektur lesen?:)

  • Hey, ich muss demnächst eine sehr wichtige Hausaufgabe vorlegen und es wäre mir seeehr wichtig wenn hier jemand so lieb wäre und sie zur Korrektur liest. Oftmals schleichen sich einfach so mal Fehler rein :P
    Es soll eine Summary sein und zwar von diesem Text:

    Danke im vorraus an die, die es wirklich lesen werden! :)

    The article “Ourselves in Shakespeare” by Michael Gerson appears on 8th August 2007 in the Washington Post.
    The author states the beauty and complexity of Shakespeare's words.

    Shakespeare's characters show their own identity and arise from the intentions of the author.
    When they speak, they show how they come to life.
    Other authors can express their philosophy or their wit but Shakespeare expresses more than that.
    His works influece the policy and the history.
    Its influence should not be ideological or religious.
    He does not try to bring the history or the gods closer to the people but to explain men and women to themselves.

    One of his real topics is the humanity.
    It starts for example from love to death and leads to moments when they are more that inseparable.
    When the time is swamped by ideology and everyone should take a political side, Shakespear offers a different message to that topic:
    The most important and dramatical choices are decided in our soul. Once a decision is made, they often can't be traced.

    Finally the autor comes to the conclusion that we consider Shakespeare's works often with self- recognition.
    We can see ourselves, our own nature, the lawless and the desperate parts.

  • du hast das meiste zitiert und das sollte man bei einer summary nicht tun.. außerdem hast du einiges verdreht.

  • Du hast zuviel einfach aus dem Text übernommen - lieber mehr mit eigenen Worten..

    1. The article “Ourselves in Shakespeare” by Michael Gerson appears - der Text ist ja schon erschienen also eher appeared..
    2. When they speak, they show how they come to life - was willst du denn damit sagen?
    3. Schau dir nochmal die Zeiten genau an..
    4. Finally the autor comes to the conclusion that we consider Shakespeare's works often with self- recognition. - hört sich irgendwie nicht gut an, versuch doch mal den Satz im Passiv zu schreiben (That Shakespeare's works are often...)
    5. Once a decision is made, they often can't be traced. - auf was bezieht sich das they?
    6. We can see ourselves, our own nature, the lawless and the desperate parts. - was willst du damit sagen??