"What Makes Us Moral" von Jeffrey Kluger, Summary

  • Hallo,

    ich bin fast am Verzweifeln. Ich soll einen Abschnitt von dem Text "What Makes Us Moral" zusammenfassen.
    Leider verstehe ich nicht mal, worum es da wirklich geht, also könntet ihr mir vielleicht helfen?

    Hier der Abschnitt:
    This kind of brutal line between insiders and outsiders is evident everywhere--mobsters, say, who kill promiscuously yet go on rhapsodically about "family." But it has its most terrible expression in wars, in which the dehumanization of the outsider is essential for wholesale slaughter to occur.
    That, of course, does not take the stain of responsibility off the people who follow those leaders. For grossly imperfect creatures like us, morality may be the steepest of all developmental mountains. Our opposable thumbs and big brains gave us the tools to dominate the planet, but wisdom comes more slowly than physical hardware. We surely have a lot of killing and savagery ahead of us before we fully civilize ourselves. The hope--a realistic one, perhaps--is that the struggles still to come are fewer than those left behind.

  • Bis auf den Anfang, der ohne vorangehenden Text etwas kryptisch erscheint, solltest du zumindest in Ansätzen selbst etwas übersetzen können. Also wenn du einen eigenen Versuch postest, sehe ich mir den noch einmal an.

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  • Also ich habe jetzt den Abschnitt so zusammengefasst:

    The fourth part of the text [..] is about the moral aspect in wars.
    The autor describes the different forms of immoral actions and the worst is the mass murder of specific group. He thinks that we act and only then think about it.
    All in all, he hopes that in the next wars will die less people and that everybody will be moral in the future.

  • kann jemand, die Leitfrage des Textes, "What makes us moral", in ein paar Sätzen zusammenfassen. Hab Probleme den Text zu verstehen.

    Danke schonmal im Vorraus

  • The fourth part of the text [..] is about the moral aspect of wars.
    The autor describes the different forms of immoral actions and the worst is the mass murder of a specific group. He thinks that we act and only then think about it.
    All in all, he hopes that in the next wars less people will die and that everybody will be moral in the future.

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