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*Großgeschriebene Wörter musste ich einsetzen.
Katrin: Hello, Sally. HOW are you?
Sally: I´m fine but the weather here is awful. It´s rainy OFTEN AT the moment.
Katrin: That´s bad luck. It´s SOMETIMES rainy here. It´s nice and sunny.
Sally: So, what about HAD A new job. It is good?
Katrin: Yes, I think so. The colleague in my office is very nice. HER name is Helen and she´s A engineer.
Sally: Is she IN Peterborough?
Katrin: No, Cambridge.
Sally: Is she married?
Katrin:Yes, she HAS her husband is a journalist. He´s often away IN A business.
Sally: What about your offcie? Is it nice?
Katrin: Yes, it is. I also have two very nice colleagues. Amandine and Clare, but they are just here for a meeting today.
Katrin: Yes, THERE are from Perignan in the south ??? France.
Sally: What ARE pity. Well, it´s late. I must be off now.
Katrin: OK. Talk to you later.
Sally: Yes. Bye.