• As inhabitants of this earth, one of our main priorities is to protect the environment that has been given to us. While many people may have forgotten about the importance of protecting the earth, there exists a series of organization whose main purpose is to protect all natural aspects of the planet we call home. Environment and pollution is not a new topic. It is a problem we have noticed since the industrial revolution, when tress, houses and cars were covered in soot from the factories. With all the talk of acid rains, global warming and ozone depletion it seems hopeless , but I think it isn't . Everyone can make a difference. A really large problem is the water pollution. Water pollution has effected a lot of people and animals. Some of the water pollution has effected a lot of people and animals. Some of the water pollution is done by chemical leaks, and others by ships. There are many causes for water pollution. I think plastic is playing a big role. Many companies use plastic and people throw it sometimes in the waterways. Because water can flow and be carried by the wind. I think the second highest cause of water pollution is ship waste. Ships used to take much garbage with them on their ships and dump them. Animals are also being harmed by the wastes. Water pollution doesn't just effect humans, it affects our whole ecosystem. Birds and marine life are affected by it. When they eat plastic, they feel full, so some of them die of starvation. Water is our main source of our life. We need it to live, drink, bathe and manufacturing. We need water for almost everything, if we don't start cleaning up, I think we will be in big trouble in future. A similar problem is the air pollution. Air pollution is a quite serious problem especially in large cities. Such wastes are usually in the form of gases. These substances result common from burning fuel to power vehicles and to heat buildings. Industrial processes and burning of garbage can also contribute to air pollution. I think the air pollution can have a huge effect on health. It can stay in the lungs and can lead worsen symptoms such as asthma and bronchitis. Another difficult problem is the overpopulation that can be damage your world. I believe that the number of humans that live on our planet is really a large problem. We should develop new processes for stabilizing the current population. They affects of overpopulation on human society will be tremendous. Suffering from a lack of resource. Increasing amounts of food,energy,water would come in the future. All of the toxins released into the atmosphere.

  • As inhabitants of this earth, one of our main priorities is to protect the environment that has been given to us. While many people may have forgotten about the importance of protecting the earth, there exists a series of organizations whose main purpose is to protect all natural aspects of the planet we call home. Environment and pollution is not a new topic. It is a problem we have noticed since the industrial revolution, when trees, houses and cars were covered by the soot from [---]factories. With all the talk about acid rains, global warming and ozone depletion it seems hopeless , but I think it isn't . Everyone can make a difference. A really large problem is [---] water pollution. Water pollution has effected a lot of people and animals. [---doppelt---]. Some of the water pollution has been done by chemical leaks, and others by ships. There are many causes for water pollution. I think plastic materials play a big role. Many companies use plastic materials and people often throw them into the water. As water flows and as there are streams in the oceans this kind of garbage has easily been distributed all over the oceans.. I think the second highest cause of water pollution is waste from ships. Ships produce much garbage which is dumped into the open sea. Vey often ships clean their holds (=Laderaum) and tanks, thus contributing to the pollution of the seas. Animals are [---]being harmed by the wastes. Birds and marine life are affected by it. [---] They eat plastic materials or they are trapped in them, so they die of intoxication or starvation. Water pollution doesn't just effect animals and humans, it affects our whole ecosystem. [---]

    so weit erst mal; inhaltlich: sehr oberflächlich


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Flo (1. März 2011 um 10:39)