Englisch Hausaufgaben Überprüfung

  • Hey,
    ich muss dieses Essay morgen abgeben und wollte kurz wissen ob einer von euch noch einmal drüber schauen könnte:

    „Multiculturalism is the aim“
    In the following I would like to discuss the issue of multiculturalism.
    Last year it was one of the most discussed issues in Germany. Many politicians talked about it, in their speeches in the German Bundestag or in talk shows in the German television. The big discussion, started by the book “Deutschland schafft sich ab” written by Thilo Sarrazin, a German politician, did not want to end.

    On the one hand we should integrate the migrants of our country. This means all people, Germans and migrants, should be on more or less the same educated level being really important for example everyone should talk the language of the country. Because this prevents misunderstandings and only if you understand each other can you do the tasks your boss wants you to do. Furthermore, in my opinion everyone should get the same chances because equality is really important too. I take the opinion that it would solve the problem of jealousy. At one’s workplace for example, a migrant worker should get the same chances as a German one.
    Besides, we can learn many things from migrants, telling us something about their culture, how they live in their home country or we can find out something about their religion. There are a lot of differences between the many cultures. It would be very interesting to learn things about their lives.
    On the other hand we have to ask ourselves if it is even possible to accommodate so many cultures in a country like Germany? With reference to the paragraph before, you will see that it is very difficult. There are so many cultures and they are very different. Multiculturalism does not mean a few cultures in one country. For the migrants it means to pursue their religion, customs and celebrations. So for example they need their own churches.
    As an additional reason our government had declared that multiculturalism has failed in Germany. So has it a future or has it effectively failed?

    In conclusion we can all see that it is not easy to integrate migrants and to reach the aim that multiculturalism will be accepted in our society. But I think we all can learn from each other. Our government should give multiculturalism a second chance.

    Vielen vielen Dank ;)

  • wow das ist genau das worüber ich schreiben musste!!!!
    dein text war echt eine stütze!! :) na ja, du hättest vielleicht auch andere Wörter benutzen können. z.B. nicht immer for example sondern auch mal for instance.

  • wow das ist genau das worüber ich schreiben musste!!!!
    dein text war echt eine stütze!! :)

    Wirklich? Der Text ist doch dermaßen flach und kindlich geschrieben. Klingt iwie nach 6.Schuljahr. :D