Characterisation, BITTE HELFEN!

  • Hallo,
    Könntet ihr bitte meine 2 Texte schnell überfliegen und verbessern?
    wär echt nett und sehr hilfreich!


    Julia is a young and pretty girl and has an angelic appearance. She wears a shapeless black frock, that´s an evidence for her poorness. Besides she sells flowers in order to sustain herself. Moreover, she sees herself as an actress, a thespian, a tap dancer, a toe dancer and a highly regarded chanteuse. Julia is convinced about her talents. Her dream is to become a movie star.
    Firstly she behaves very aggressive and rude when Jordan starts talking to her. For example, ,,I will give you blind in a minute.” (P.11, l.40)
    Furthermore she laughs about Jordan’s name what shows that she has no principles.
    In addition she is very selfish, for instance she would not take a banana from Jordan, ,,not even if it is covered with diamonds!” (P.17, l.24).
    However when Peter tells her about his career as musical and comedy producer, she change her attitude towards others. She starts to be nice and polite.
    The reason for it is that she thinks Peter can help her to get a famous star.
    Julia wants to become a movie star by all means.
    Therefore she tells Peter everything about her terrible past. On the one hand she is very rude and unsympathetic, on the other hand she is friendly and sympathetic.
    In conclusion she is a flat character because she is introduces very late in the play. In my Opinion she is an example of a human-behavior, how strong people can change their attitude towards others.


    Jordan is one of the two main characters in the story. He is a Jewish and poor immigrant from east Europe. Moreover he wears a threadbare suit, open-necked shirt and wilted tie. The reason why he came to America is that he wants to look for a job to earn money.
    Firstly he behaves very polite and nice when Peter starts talking to him. For example ,,Excuse me” (p.5,l.29) Furthermore he is naive and insecure when he gives Peter all his money to start the same business like him.
    On the one hand he is clever and sly when he tells Peter the story about his baby brother and two little sisters to become a partner with him on the other hand he is dumb and unwise when Peter fooled him and takes his complete money.
    Nevertheless there is a change of his character in the whole story.
    How longer he talks with Peter, he learns how to behave in this country to sustain himself.
    When he buys the new name, Leonard P., the change of his character is perfect. He gets dishonest against Julia and selfish when he says ,,nothing can stop me”. (p.21, l.27) The character of him is correctly like Peters now.
    He is going to do the same with Julia, like Peter did with him. Therefore he is selfish and stubborn.
    In conclusion he is a dishonest man who does everything for a good live. In addition he is an important character in the story. In my Opinion he is an example of a human-behavior, how strong people can change their characters in a short time.

    Danke! :)

  • Ich schreibe morgen eine Caracterisation in Englisch
    Habt ihr ein paar Tipps für mich???

  • Kann einer sagen welcher besser ist, würde mich auch mal interessieren?
    Oder ist hier tote Hose? :/