dringende Summary korrektur

  • hallo alle zusammen ich muss zu morgen eine klausur korrektur machen. Diese ist sehr wichtig für meine Zensur. Bitte helf mir. Danke im vorraus.

    Die Aufgabenstellung: Summarize the information you get concerning Edna and Joe Lighthill in no more than 150 words!

    Ich hab es versucht so kurz wie möglich zu schreiben

    the beginning of the short story 'loneliness' written by Bukowski and published in 1978 is about Edna who gets to know Joe by his announcement.

    The text deals with Edna, a 37-year-old woman who ist corpulent and who reads an advertisement about Joe an 49-year-old divorced getleman in a suit and necktie who looks for a woman to get married.
    Joe works as a cost acountant and he likes watching television,'motion pictures' and good food but he does not likes the church. In his announcement he mentions that he wants a woman who is corpulent and between 34 to 44 years old. Edna feels interested in Joe's advertisement after reading it. When she comes home she decides to call joe. During this call the authors shows the reader that Edna feels lonely because she is nervous when she calls joe and at the end of the story she accepts his invitation.

    bitte sag mir auch ob es gut ist und was ich besser machen kann danke :)